7:190-E2 – Student Handbook Checklist

7:190-E2 – Student Handbook Checklist

The Checklist contains mandatory and recommended notices that schools should give to their students and the students’ parents/guardians. Mandatory means the notices are legally required. Recommended means including the notices are a best practice. The Checklist is in the IASB Policy Reference Manual (PRM) format, and it lists corresponding policies, procedures, and exhibits in numerical order within each sub-headed category. A corresponding citation to the Illinois Principals Association Online Model Student Handbook (MSH) is also listed, if one exists. Any handbook should be reviewed by the Board Attorney before distribution to ensure that all mandatory notices are included as this Checklist is subject to change without notice. This Checklist is not a substitute for legal advice.

Mandatory Notices
Student Services
Mandatory Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Transportation 4:110, Transportation 4.010, Bus Transportation
Transportation reimbursement eligibility and dispute resolution

Note: this program has been withdrawn due to lack of funding

4:110, Transportation 4.010, Bus Transportation
Eligibility criteria for free and reduced lunch 4:130, Free and Reduced-Price Food Services 



3.010, Fees, Fines & Charges; Waiver of Student Fees
Waiver of school fees along with the fee waiver application form 4:140,  Waiver of Student Fees

4:140-AP1, Fines, Fes, and Charges – Waiver of Student Fees

Application for Fee Waiver


3.10 Fees, Fines & Charges; Waiver of Student Fees

3.10-E1, Application for Fee Waiver


School Wellness (required if the District participates in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program 6:050, School Wellness
Alternative Learning Opportunities 6:110, Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program 2:090, Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Couse Substitutions and Accelerated Placement
Notification to parents/guardians of English Learners regarding their child’s placement in, and information about, the District’s English Learners programs 6:160, English Learners 12.60, English Learners
Parental involvement under Title I (only when the district receives Title I funds) 6:170, Title 1 Programs

6:170-AP1, Checklist of Development, Implementation, and Maintenance of Parent and Family Engagement Compacts for Title I Programs

6:170-AP2, Notice to Parents Required by Elementary and Secondary Education, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance, and Protection of Pupil Rights Laws


12.130, Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
Notice to Parents required by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act 6:170-AP2, Notice to Parents Required by Elementary and Secondary Education, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance, and Protection of Pupil Rights Laws 12.130, Parent Notices Required the Every Student Succeeds Act
Surveys that request personal information from students 7:015, Student and Family Privacy Rights 11.10, Student Privacy Protections
Birth certificate requirements for enrollment 7:050, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

7:050-AP1, Student Admissions and Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

Non District Schools
Dental Examinations 7:100, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
Eye examinations (K and students enrolling in public school for the first time only) 7:100, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
Vaccinations (influenza and meningococcal) 7:100, Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
Administration of medications (includes asthma inhalers and epinephrine injectors, opioid antagonists, and glucagon) 7:270, Administering Medicines to Students

7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication

7:270-E1, School Medication Authorization Form

5.20, Student Medication

5.20-E1, Student Medication Authorization Form

Student Programs
Mandatory Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Notice of instruction in recognizing and avoiding sexual abuse (K-8 only) 6:060-AP1, Comprehensive Health Education Program

6:060-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Students Enrolled in Family Life and Sex Education Classes

12.40, Sex Education Instruction

12.40-E1, Notice to Parents on Sex Education Instruction

Free appropriate public education to students with disabilities

Special education services to eligible children whether or not enrolled in the District

6:120, Education of Children with Disabilities

6:120-AP1, Special Education Procedures Assuring the Implementation of Comprehensive Programming for Children with Disabilities (downloadable from IASB website, www.iasb.com)

6:120-E3, Notice to Parents/Guardians Regarding Section 504 Rights

10.10, Education of Children with Disabilities
Counseling options for students who are affected by sexual abuse and grooming behavior, along with options for victims of sexual abuse and grooming behavior to obtain assistance and intervention. 7:250, Student Support Services

7:250-AP2, Protocol for Responding to Students with Social, Emotional, or Mental Health Needs

5.30, Guidance and Counseling
Student Responsibilities
Mandatory Topics  IASB PRM IPA MSH
IHSA policy on banned substances (required only for IHSA schools) 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6:190-AP1, Academic Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities

7:240, Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities

7:240-E1, Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities

9.10, Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
Absenteeism and truancy 7:070, Attendance and Truancy 2.10, Attendance

2.50, Truancy

Statement of district ownership of and right to search student lockers 7:140, Search and Seizure 8.10, Search and Seizure
Search procedures for school grounds and lockers 7:140, Search and Seizure 8.10, Search and Seizure
Notification regarding access to student accounts or profiles on social networking websites 7:140, Search and Seizure

7:140-E1 Letter to Parents/Guardians Regarding the Right to Privacy in the School Setting Act


8.10, Search and Seizure
Bullying prohibited and reporting encouraged 7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment 6.40, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, & Harassment

6.40-E1, Aggressive Behavior Reporting Form

Teen dating violence prohibited and reporting encouraged 7:185, Teen Dating Violence Prohibited 6:45, Harassment and Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
Prohibition of electronic paging devices and making threat by Internet 7:190, Student Behavior 6.30, Student Behavior
All prohibited conduct in the school discipline code, including, but not limited to:

  1. Controlled substances
  2. Firearms and other weapons
  3. E-cigarettes
  4. Gangs and gang-related activity
  5. Sexting prohibited
7:190-E1 Letter to Parents/Guardians About Preventing and Reducing Incidences of Sexting

7:190, Student Behavior

7:190-AP5, Student Handbook – Electronic Devices

7:190-AP6, Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations

 6.30, Student Behavior
Inform parents/guardians when their child engaged in aggressive behavior along with the school’s early intervention procedures 7:190-E1, Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter and Form 6.40-E1, Aggressive Behavior Reporting Form
Suspension and expulsion, and due process requirements 7:200, Suspension Procedures

7:210, Expulsion Procedures

School bus safety 7:220, Bus Conduct

4:110-AP3, School Bus Safety Rules

4.10, Bus Transportation
Videotape surveillance of buses (if applicable) 7:220, Bus Conduct

7:220-AP1, Electronic Recordings on School Buses

4.10, Bus Transportation
Behavior interventions (these may be developed through the Spec. Ed. Coop if the district belongs to one) 7:230, Misconduct by Students With Disabilities
Dress code 7:160, Student Appearance 6.20, School Dress Code & Student Appearance
All other conduct prohibited by Board policy – school discipline code 7:190, Student Behavior 6.30, Student Behavior
Student Rights
Mandatory Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Notice of contact information for nondiscrimination and Title IX coordinator(s) and making reports or complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

2:265, Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

6.40, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation & Harassment
Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, religious beliefs, physical or mental disability, status as homeless, or actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy 7:010, Equal Educational Opportunities

2:265, Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

1.50, Equal Opportunity & Sex Equity
Sex equity and grievance procedures 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

2:265, Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

7:010, Equal Educational Opportunities

7:020, Harassment of Students Prohibited

1.50, Equal Opportunity & Sex Equity
Sexual harassment prohibited and grievance procedures and age-appropriate information about the sexual harassment policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

2:265, Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

7:020, Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:185, Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

6.45, Sexual Harassment & Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
Notify parents of their right to request their child’s classroom teachers’ qualifications 5:190-E1, Notice to Parents of Their Right to Request Their Child’s Classroom Teachers’ Qualifications 12.130, Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
Educational rights of homeless students in the location where homeless children receive services 6:140, Education of Homeless Children

6:140-AP1, Education of Homeless Children

12.30, Homeless Child’s Right to Education
Notice of parent and student rights under the Children’s Privacy Protection and Parental Empowerment Act 7:015, Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:015-E1, Notification to Parents of Family Privacy Rights

11.10, Student Privacy Protections
Notice to parents/guardians about social network passwords 7:140, Search and Seizure

7:130, Student Rights and Responsibilities

6.70, Access to Student Social Networking Passwords & Websites
Notice concerning privacy and access rights to school student records 7:340, Student Records

7:340-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records

7:340-E3, Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student

11.20, Student Records
Disclosure of directory information 7:340-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records

7:340-E3, Using a Photograph or Video Recording of a Student

11.20, Student Records
Information classified as directory information and for objecting to disclosure of information 7:340-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records 11.20, Student Records
Military recruiting 7:340-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records 


11.20, Student Records
Student biometric information (when applicable) 7:340, Student Records

7:340-E3, Parent Permission Form Biometric Information Collection Authorization

11.30, Student Biometric Information
Notice of disability accommodation 8:070, Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities 1.110, Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
General Information
Mandatory Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Notice before a pesticide application 4:160, Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

4:160-AP, Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds


12.80, Pesticide Application Notice
Availability of information concerning sex offenders 4:175-AP1, Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening

4:175-E1, Informing Parents/Guardians About Offender Community Notification Laws

12.120, Violent Offender Community Notification
School Bus Safety 4:110-AP3, School Bus Safety Rules 4.10, Bus Transportation
Asbestos management plan, notice of availability Notices
Notice to parents/guardians and staff of IHSA’s online training video about hands-only CPR and AED 4:170, Safety

4:170-AP6, Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergency at a Physical Fitness Facility with an AED 

4:170-AP6, E1, School Staff AED Notification Letter

Evidence-informed educational information for parents/guardians on the warning signs of child sexual abuse and grooming, and assistance, referral, or resource information 4:165, Awareness and prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors 1.180, Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, Grooming Behaviors, and Boundary Violations
Contact information for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Crisis Text Line, and either the Safe2Help Illinois helpline and/or a local suicide prevention hotline 7:290, Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

7:290-AP1, Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program

Notice that a student athlete and his/her parent must sign acknowledgement of receiving the concussion policy (required only for IHSA schools) 7:305, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:305-AP1, Program for Managing Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

9.30, Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
School visitation rights notice 8:095-E1 Letter Notifying Parents/Guardians of School Visitation Rights

8:95-E2, Verification of School Visitation

12.70, School Visitation Rights

Recommended Notices

Student Services
Recommended Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Information regarding waiver of student fees 4:140, Waiver of Student Fees
Fire drill program, building specific plan 4:170, Safety

4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan

5.40, Safety Drill Procedures and Conduct
School safety plans, including severe weather and injury or sudden illness 4:170, Safety

4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan


2.100, Home and Hospital Instruction
Targeted school violence prevention program, including threat assessment teams 4:190, Targeted School Violence Prevention Program

4:190, Threat Assessment Team (TAT)

Home and hospital instruction 6:150, Home and Hospital Instruction 2.100, Home and Hospital Instruction
Student residency and tuition 7:060, Residence

7:060-AP1, Challenging a Student’s Residence Status

7:060-AP2, Establishing Student Residency

7:060-E1, Letter of Residence from Landlord in Lieu of Lease

7:060-E2, Letter of Residence to be Used When the Person Seeking to Enroll a Student is Living with a District Resident

7:060-E3, Evidence of Non-Parent’s Custody, Control and Responsibility of a Student

Parking, building specific 7:140, Search and Seizure 4.20, Parking
Health and guidance counselor and social work access 7:250, Student Support Services 5.30, Guidance & Counseling
Communicable and infectious disease 7:280, Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

7:280-AP1, Managing Students with Communicable and Infectious Diseases

5.50, Communicable Disease

5.60, Head Lice

Students with diabetes 6:120-AP3, Care of Students with Diabetes 1.130, Care of Students with Diabetes

1.130-E1, Authorization to Provide Diabetic Care

Medical cannabis administration 7:270-E1, School Medication Authorization Form – Medical Cannabis
Food allergy management program 7:285, Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

7:285-AP, Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

7:285-AP1, Food Allergy Management 

1.120, Students with Food Allergies
Telephone use, building specific
Student Programs
Recommended Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Weighted grades 6:280-AP1,  Evaluating and Reporting Student Achievement
District philosophy and goals 1:030, Strategic Plan – School District Philosophy

1:030 Strategic Plan – , Goals and Objectives

6:010, Educational Philosophy 

Remote Learning and/or e-learning program(s) 6:020, School Year Calendar and Day

6:020-AP, Remote and/or Blended Remote Learning Day Plan(s)

Anti-bias curriculum 6:060, Curriculum Content
Driver education eligibility and requirements (high schools only) 6:060, Curriculum Content
Parental objections to sex education, family life instruction, and sexually transmitted diseases 6:060-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Students Enrolled in Family Life and Sex Education Classes 12.40, Sex Education Instruction

12.40-E1, Notice to Parents on Sex Education Instruction

Bike and Walking Safety Education 6:060-AP1, E2, Resources for Biking and Walking Safety Education
Accelerated placement availability 6:130-AP1 High Ability Handbook,  2:90, Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Course Substitutions and Accelerated Placement
Adaptive physical education program exemption 6:310-AP1, High Ability Handbook  2.80, Exemption from PE Requirement (Regular Education)
Bilingual education availability 6:160, English Learners 12.60, English Learners
Co-curricular activities 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities 9.10, Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
“No Pass, No Play” 6:190, Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6:190-AP1, Eligibility for Participation in Extracurricular Activities

9.10, Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
Parental right to review instructional materials 6:210, Instructional Materials 11.10, Student Privacy Protections
Acceptable use and Internet safety 6:235, Access to Electronic Networks

6:235-AP1, Acceptable Use of the District’s Electronic Networks

6:235-E1, Student Authorization for Access to the District’s Electronic Networks

6:235-E2, Staff Authorization for Access to the District’s Electronic Networks

7.10, Internet Acceptable Use

7.10-E1, Internet Acceptable Use Sign-Off

Social promotion 6:280, Grading and Promotion

6:280-AP1, Evaluating and Reporting Student Achievement

2.60, Grading and Promotion
High school graduation requirements (high schools only) 6:300-AP2, Graduation Requirements 2.120, Graduation Requirements
Right of students with IEP to participate in graduation ceremony (high schools only) 6:300, Graduation Requirements 10.40, Certificate of High School Completion
Physical education, including waiver of required classes 6:310, High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students 2.80, Exemption from PE Requirement (Regular Education)

10.30, Exemption from PE Requirement (Special Education)

Class schedules, building specific
Schedule of testing programs, building specific 6:340, Student Testing and Assessment Program
Student distribution of non-curricular material 7:310, Restrictions on Publications; Elementary Schools

7:310-AP1, Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-school Sponsored Publications; Elementary Schools

7:315, Restrictions on Publications; High Schools

7.20 Guidelines for Student Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Publications
General Information
Recommended Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
School calendar 6:020, School Year Calendar and Day
Field trip 7:320, Student Travel – Field Trips

7:320-AP1, Field Trip Guidelines

6.60, Field Trips
Release time for religious instruction/observance 7:080, Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance 2.30, Release Time for Religious Instruction and Observance
Release time for students voting in elections 7:090, Release During School Hours
Extra-curricular drug and alcohol testing (if applicable) 7:240, Extracurricular Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

7:240-E1, Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities 

9.10, Extracurricular and Athletic Activities Code of Conduct
Eligibility to remove college entrance exams from student transcripts 7:340, Student Records 11.20, Student Records
Equal access to school facilities 8:020, Community Use of School Facilities
Identification and registration of persons entering the school building 8:030, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property 1.40, Visitors
Statement that the handbook is:

1.       Only a summary of board policies governing the district; board policies are available to the public at the district office

2.       A document that may be amended during the year without notice

3.       Is a communication tool of all policies to persons expected to execute and comply with them

2:240, Board Policy Development 1.20, Student Handbook Acknowledgement

1.30, General School Information

Address of District offices, list of administrators, and contact information 2:250, Access to District Public Records

2:250-E2, Immediately Available  Public Records

1.30, General School Information
Board members’ names 2:250, Access to District Public Records

2:250-E2, Immediately Available Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records 

1.30, General School Information
List of District school addresses 2:250, Access to District Public Records

2:250-E2, Immediately Available Public Records 

1.30, General School Information
Special Circumstance Notifications
Special Circumstance Topics IASB PRM IPA MSH
Notification for unsafe school transfer choice 4:170, Safety

4:170-AP5, Unsafe School Choice Option

12.100, Unsafe School – Transfer
Notification of right to review teachers’ qualifications 5:190, Teacher Qualifications

5:190-E1, Notice to Parents of Their Right to Request Their Child’s Classroom Teachers’ Qualifications

5:190-E2, Notice to Parents When Their Child Is Assigned To or Has Been Taught for at Least Four Straight Weeks By a Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements

5:190-E3, Letter to Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements for the Grade Level and Subject Area of Assignment

12.130, Parent Notices Required by the Every Student Succeeds Act
Notice when:

1.       Student is being taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified,

2.       School identified as in need of improvement,

3.       Schools are identified for corrective action,

4.       Schools are identified for restructuring,

5.       There is eligibility for supplemental educational services, and

6.       The district offers voluntary school choice, if applicable.

5:190-E2, Notice to Parents When Their Child Is Assigned To or Has Been Taught for at Least Four Straight Weeks By a Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements

6:015, School Accountability

Credit for proficiency 6:110, Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program 2.90, Credit for Proficiency, Non-District Experiences, Course Substitutions and Accelerated Placement

Date Adopted:  November 11, 2010

Date Amended:  December 11, 2013

Date Amended:  September 22, 2020

Date Amended:  October 25, 2022