6:060-AP1 Comprehensive Health Education Program

6:060-AP1 Comprehensive Health Education Program

6:060-AP1 Comprehensive Health Education Program


105 ILCS 110/3 requires the District to implement a Comprehensive Health Education Program (CHEP). CHEP is a systematic and extensive educational program designed to provide a variety of learning experiences based upon scientific knowledge of the human organism as it functions within its environment which will favorably influence the knowledge, attitudes, values, and practices of Illinois [students]; and which will aid [students] in making wise personal decisions in matters of health.

Unless limited to specific grades, the following major educational areas are the basis for curricula in the District’s CHEP in all elementary and secondary schools:

  1. Human ecology and health;
  2. Human growth and development;
  3. In all grades, age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education, except no student in grades pre-K through 8 shall be required to take or participate in any instruction for recognizing and avoiding sexual abuse if the student’s parent/guardian submits written objection and refusal to participate in the instruction shall not be reason for failing, suspending or expelling the student. Through grade 12, an age-appropriate and evidence-informed curriculum pursuant to Erin’s Law will provide instruction pursuant to policy 4:165, Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors. The Superintendent must ensure all parent(s)/guardian(s) of students in any of grades K through 8 receive not less than five days’ written notice before commencing the instruction.
  4. In all grades, a minimum of 16 hours of safety education in the courses of study regularly taught with instruction about:
    1. Automobile safety, including traffic regulations, highway safety, and the consequences of alcohol consumption and the operation of a motor vehicle;
    2. Safety in the home, including safe gun storage;
    3. Safety in connection with recreational activities;
    4. Safety in and around school buildings;
    5. Safety in connection with vocational work or training;
    6. For students in grades 9 through 11, CPR subject to the excusal limitations in the first aid item 26, below; and
    7. For students in grades 6 through 8, CPR and how to use an AED by watching a training video on those subjects.
  5. In all grades, tobacco and e-cigarettes and other vapor devices;
  6. In grades K through 8, education must be available to students concerning effective methods of preventing and avoiding traffic injuries related to walking and bicycling.
  7. In grades K through 8, instruction, study, and discussion of effective methods for the prevention and avoidance of drugs and the dangers of opioid and substance abuse that are integrated into the curricula and designed to promote effective methods for the prevention and avoidance of drug and substance abuse.
  8. In grades K through 8, annual instruction on the danger of and how to avoid abduction as part of the District’s regular curriculum.
  9. In grades 5 through 12, alcohol and drug use and abuse, including the medical and legal ramifications of alcohol, drug, and tobacco use that integrates into existing curricula, instruction related to:
    1. The physical and legal effects and ramifications of drug and substance abuse (including use during pregnancy);
    2. Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE) instructional materials and guidelines developed to assist the District with incorporating this instruction topic into its curricula; and
    3. Either as part of existing curricula during the school day or as part of an after-school program, support services and instruction for students who are or students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are chemically dependent.
  10. In grades 6-12, parenting education that includes instruction in the following:
    1. Child growth and development, including prenatal development.
    2. Childbirth and child care.
    3. Family structure, function, and management.
    4. Prenatal and postnatal care for mothers and infants.
    5. Prevention of child abuse.
    6. The physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological aspects of interpersonal and family relationships.
    7. Parenting skill development.
  11. Family life, specifically its emotional, psychological, physiological, hygienic and social responsibilities, including sexual abstinence until marriage and evidence-based and medically accurate information regarding sexual abstinence; and in grades 6 through 12, instruction on the prevention, transmission, and spread of AIDS; except if a student’s parent/guardian submits written objection to taking or participating in family life course or AIDS prevention instruction, and refusal to take or participate in the family life course or AIDS prevention instruction shall not be reason for suspension or expulsion of the student. See 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs.
  12. Comprehensive personal health and safety and comprehensive sexual health education (NSES); except no student shall be required to take or participate in any NSES class or course, and a student’s parent/guardian may opt the student out of NSES by submitting the request in writing or using 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs. Refusal to take or participate in an NSES course or program may not be a reason for disciplinary action, academic penalty, suspension, or expulsion or any other sanction of a student. Active parental consent for their child to participate in NSES is not required; however, because NSES mandates instruction about sexual violence (defined to include sexual abuse) and instruction in recognizing and avoiding sexual abuse required by 105 ILCS 5/27-13.2 requires a minimum of five days’ notice to parents/guardians of students in grades K through 8, the District will notify students in grades K through 8 using the Notice of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education subhead of 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs. See also 6:60-AP2, Comprehensive Personal Health and Safety and Sexual Health Education Program (National Sex Education Standards (NSES)).
  13. Course materials and instruction to advise students about the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, 325 ILCS 2/;
  14. The prevention and control of disease;
  15. In grades 7 through 12, teen dating violence awareness;
  16. In grades 7 through 12, instruction about the prevention of abuse of anabolic steroids in science, health, drug abuse, physical education, or other appropriate courses of study. Instruction shall emphasize that the use of anabolic steroids presents a serious health hazard to persons who use steroids to enhance athletic performance or physical development. In addition, coaches and sponsors of interscholastic athletic programs shall provide instruction on steroid abuse prevention to students participating in these programs.
  17. In grade 9 or 10, one unit of instruction in either grade about donations and transplants of organs/tissue and blood, except if a student’s parent/guardian files written objection on constitutional grounds, but refusal to take or participate in the instruction shall not be reason for suspension or expulsion of a student or result in any academic penalty.
  18. Public and environmental health;
  19. Consumer health;
  20. Safety education and disaster survival;
  21. Mental health and illness that evaluates the multiple dimensions of health by reviewing the relationship between physical and mental health to enhance student understanding, attitudes, and behaviors that promote health, well-being, and human dignity and must include how and where to find mental health resources and specialized treatment in the State.
  22. Personal health habits;
  23. Nutrition;
  24. Dental health;
  25. Cancer, including, without limitation, types of cancer, signs and symptoms, risk factors, the importance of early prevention and detection, and information on where to go for help;
  26. Basic first aid including, but not limited to:
  27. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver, including training on how to properly administer CPR in accordance with standards of the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, or another nationally recognized certifying organization, except if a student’s parent/guardian submits written objection, but refusal to participate in the training shall not be a reason for suspension or expulsion of the student; and
  28. In secondary schools, how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) shall be included, except if a student’s parent/guardian submits written objection, but refusal to participate in the training shall not be a reason for suspension or expulsion of the student.
  29. Heart disease;
  30. Diabetes;
  31. Stroke;
  32. The prevention of child abuse and neglect;
  33. Suicide prevention pursuant to policy 7:290, Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention;
  34. All students shall receive age-appropriate instruction on motor vehicle safety and litter control.

Notice to Parent/Guardian; Requirements; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs

Refusal to take or participate in any course or program that allows parents/guardians to object in writing and/or opt their children out shall not be reason for disciplinary action or academic penalty to the student. The District will provide 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs to parents/guardians wishing to provide written objection or opt out of content in CHEP.

LEGAL REF.:        105 ILCS 110/, Comprehensive Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act.

ADMIN PROC.:     6:60-AP2 (Comprehensive Personal Health and Safety and Sexual Health Education Program (National Sex Education Standards (NSES)); 6:60-AP3 (Developmentally Appropriate Consent Education)

Date Adopted: 01/13/2010

Date Amended: 04/05/2013

Date Amended: 10/25/2022