6:180 Extended Instructional Programs

6:180 Extended Instructional Programs

6:180 Extended Instructional Programs

The District may offer the following programs in accordance with State law and the District’s educational philosophy:

  1. Nursery schools for children between the ages of 2 and 6 years.
  2. Before-and after-school programs for students in grades K-6.
  3. Child care and training center for pre-school children and for students whose parents work.
  4. Model day care services program in cooperation with the State Board of Education.
  5. Tutorial program.
  6. Adult education program.
  7. Outdoor education program.
  8. Summer school, whether for credit or not.
  9. Independent study, whether for credit or not.
  10. Support services and instruction for students who are, or whose parents/guardians are, chemically dependent.
  11. Activities to address intergroup conflict.
  12. Volunteer service credit program.
  13. Vocational academy.
  14. Advanced vocational training and/or career education program.

Cross Reference:

6:310 Credit for Alternative Courses and Programs, and Course Substitutions

6:320 High School Credit for Proficiency

Legal Reference(s): 

105 ILCS 5/10-22.18a, 5/10-22.18b, 5/10-22.18c, 5/10-22.20, 5/10-22.20b, 5/10-22.20c, 5/10-22.22a, 5/10-22.29, 5/10-22.33A, 5/10-22.33B, 5/10-23.2, 5/27-22.1, 5/27-22.3, 5/27-23.6, 110/3, and 433/.

Date Adopted:   January 26, 2010

Date Amended:  October 23, 2012

Date Amended:  October 3, 2017