6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program
6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program
The District provides a comprehensive guidance and counseling model that provides services to all students as developmentally appropriate. A comprehensive school counseling program focuses on what all students should know, understand and be able to do within the three (3) main aspects of school counseling identified by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA); academic development, personal/social development and career development. The focus of the three main aspects is to raise student achievement. The counseling model focuses on student outcomes, goal setting and college and career readiness and utilizes data to inform decision-making.
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) framework for a comprehensive data-driven school counseling program has four tenets:
- Foundation: A focus on student outcomes and student competencies.
- Delivery: Services to the students, parents, school staff and the community.
- Management: Organizational and assessment tools reflective of the school’s needs.
- Accountability, Measurements of how the students are different as a result of the school counseling program.
This comprehensive guidance and counseling program is to be monitored and evaluated annually with a written report to the Board that includes evidence of program implementation aligned with the four tenets of the ASCA model,
Date Adopted: 05/25/2010
Date Amended: 12/11/2013