6:310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering
6:310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering
Credit for Non-District Experiences
A student may receive high school credit for successfully completing any of the listed courses or experiences even when it is not offered in or sponsored by the District:
- Distance learning course, including a correspondence, virtual, or online course
- Courses in an accredited foreign exchange program
- Summer school or community college courses
- College or high school courses offering dual credit courses at both the college and high school level
- Foreign language courses taken in an ethnic school program approved by the Illinois State Board of Education
- Work-related training at manufacturing facilities or agencies in a Tech Prep Program
- Credit earned in Vocational Academy
The student must seek approval from the Superintendent or designee to receive graduation credit for any non-District course or experience. The Superintendent or designee shall determine the amount of credit and whether a proficiency examination is required before the credit is awarded. As approval is not guaranteed, students should seek conditional approval of the experience before participating in a non-District course or experience. The student assumes responsibility for any fee, tuition, supply, or other expense. The student seeking credit is responsible for (1) providing documents or transcripts that demonstrate successful completion of the experience, and (2) taking a proficiency examination, if requested. The Superintendent or designee shall determine which, if any, non-District courses or experiences, will count toward a student’s grade point average, class rank, and eligibility for athletic and extracurricular activities. When applicable, the Building Principal or designee shall, prior to the first day of class, inform individual high school students enrolled in a mixed enrollment dual credit course that includes students who have and have not met the community college’s criteria for dual credit coursework of whether or not they are eligible to earn college credit for the course.8 This section does not govern the transfer of credits for students transferring into the District.
Substitutions for Required Courses
Vocational or technical education. A student in grades 9-12 may satisfy one or more high school courses (including physical education) or graduation requirements by successfully completing related vocational or technical education courses if:
- The Building Principal approves the substitution and the vocational or technical education course is completely described in curriculum material along with its relationship to the required course; and
- The student’s parent/guardian requests and approves the substitution in writing on forms provided by the District
Registered Apprenticeship Program. The Superintendent or designee will ensure that the District complies with State law requirements for registered apprenticeship programs. The opportunities and requirements for registered apprenticeship programs contained in this policy will be posted on the District’s website, and parents/guardians and students will also be notified of such opportunities in the appropriate school handbook(s).
A student in grades 9-12 who is 16 years or older may satisfy one or more high school courses (including physical education) or graduation requirements by successfully completing a registered apprenticeship program if:
1. The registered apprenticeship program meets all criteria contained in State law;
2. The registered apprenticeship program is listed by the District, or the student identifies a registered (but not listed) apprenticeship program with a business or organization if one is not offered in the District;
3. The student enrolled in a registered apprenticeship program has the opportunity to earn post-secondary credit toward a certificate or degrees, as applicable;
4. The student’s parent/guardian requests and approves the substitution(s) in writing on forms provided by the District and on its website;
5. The Building Principal approves the substitution(s); and
6. All non-academic requirements mandated by the School Code for high school graduation that would otherwise prohibit or prevent the student from participating in the registered
apprenticeship program are waived.
Advanced placement computer science. The advanced placement computer science course is equivalent to a high school mathematics course. A student in grades 9-12 may substitute the advanced placement computer science course for one year of mathematics, in accordance with Section 27-22 of the School Code. The transcript of a student who completes the advanced placement computer science course will state that it qualifies as a mathematics-based, quantitative course.
Substitutions for physical education. A student in grades 9-12, unless otherwise stated, may submit a written request to the Building Principal to be excused from physical education courses for the reasons stated below. The Superintendent or designee shall maintain records showing that the criteria set forth in this policy were applied to the student’s individual circumstances, as appropriate.
- Ongoing participation in a marching band program for credit;
- Enrollment in Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) program sponsored by the District;
- Ongoing participation in an interscholastic or extracurricular athletic program;
- Enrollment in academic classes that are required for admission to an institution of higher learning (student must be in the 11th or 12th grade); or
- Enrollment in academic classes that are required for graduation from high school, provided that failure to take such classes will result in the student being unable to graduate (student must be in the 11th or 12th grade).
A student who is eligible for special education may be excused from physical education courses pursuant to 7:260, Exemption from Physical Education.
Volunteer service credit. A student participating in the District’s Volunteer Service Credit Program, if any, may earn credit toward graduation for the performance of community service. The amount of credit given for program participation shall not exceed that given for completion of one semester of language arts, math, science, or social studies.
Re-Entering Students
Individuals younger than 21 years of age may re-enter high school to acquire a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate, subject to the limitations in Board policy 7:050, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools. Re-entering students may obtain credit through the successful completion of the following (not all of these may be available at any one time):
- District courses
- Non-District experiences described in this policy
- Classes in a program established under Section 10-22.20 of the School Code, in accordance with the standards established by the Illinois Community College Board
- Proficiency testing, correspondence courses, life experiences, and other non-formal educational endeavors
- Military service, provided the individual making the request has a recommendation from the U.S. Commission of Accreditation of Service Experiences
The provisions in the section Credit for Non-District Experiences, above, apply to the receipt of credit for any non-District course.
105 ILCS 5/2-3.44, 5/2-3.108, 5/2-3.115, 5/2-3.142, 5/2-3.175, 5/10-22.43a, 5/10-20.62, 5/27-6, 5/27-22.3, and 5/27-22.05.
110 ILCS 27/, Dual Credit Quality Act.
23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.425(e), 1.440(f), and 1.470(c), and Part 255.
6:180 Extended Instructional Programs
6:300 Graduation Requirements
6:300 AP2 Batavia High School Graduation Requirements
6:320 High School Credit for Proficiency
7:050 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools
7:260 Exemption from Physical Activity
Date Adopted: April 22, 2011
Date Amended: April 26, 2016
Date Amended: January 25, 2022
Date Amended: January 24, 2023