6:185 Remote Educational Program
6:185 Remote Educational Program
The Superintendent shall develop, maintain, and supervise a remote educational program consistent with Section 10-29 of the School Code. The remote educational program shall provide an opportunity for qualifying students to participate in an educational program delivered by the District in a location outside of a school.
The remote educational program shall:
1. Align its curriculum with the Illinois State Learning Standards and Board policies 6:010, Educational Philosophy and Objectives and 6:015, School Accountability.
2. Offer instruction and educational experiences consistent with those given to students at the same level in the District through compliance with Board policies 6:030, Organization of Instruction and 6:300, Graduation Requirements.
3. Provide instructions that meet the teacher qualifications in Board policy 5:190, Teacher Qualifications. Instructors are responsible for the following elements of the program:
a. Planning instruction,
b. Diagnosing learning needs,
c. Prescribing content delivery through class activities,
d. Assessing learning,
e. Reporting outcomes to administrators and parents/guardians, and
f. Evaluating the effects of instruction.
4. Provide a remote educational program anytime during the period of time from and including the opening date to the closing date of the District’s regular school term. It may operate on any calendar day, notwithstanding whether it is a student attendance day or institute day on the School District’s calendar or any other provision of law restricting instruction on that day. The District’s regular school term is established by Board policies 2:020, Powers and Duties of the Board of Education and 6:020, School Year Calendar and Day. The remote educational program may be offered outside of the regular school term as part of any authorized summer school program.
5. Include a system to record the number of clock hours a student is participating in instruction.
6. Authorize the Superintendent or designee to approve students for participation in the program considering evidence of:
a. Enrollment in the District pursuant to Board policies 7:060, Residence and 7:030, Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer.
b. Prior approval from their individualized educational program (IEP) team, if applicable.
c. How the remote educational program best serves the student’s individual learning needs.
d. The student’s prior attendance, discipline and academic records.
7. Include approving a written remote educational plan for each student participating in the program.
8. Require students to complete their participation in the program within 12 months, unless the student’s participation is extended by the District.
9. Require students to participate in all assessments administered by the District pursuant to State and federal law and Board policy 6:340, Student Testing and Assessment Program.
10. Align with the requirements of Board policy 7:340, Student Records.
11. Comply with other State and federal laws and align with all applicable Board policies. This includes the Superintendent submitting a copy of this policy to the Illinois State Board of Education along with any amendments to it and any data on student participation.
12. Be monitored by the Board pursuant to Board policy 2:240, Board Policy Development . The initial term of this program shall be for five academic years. No later than the fifth year, the Administration shall present a recommendation regarding whether and in what form the remote educational program should be renewed or extended.
Cross Reference:
2:020 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education
2:240 Board Policy Development
6:020 School Year Calendar and Day
6:030 Organization of Instruction
6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program
7:030 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer
Legal Reference(s):
Date Adopted: January 22, 2014
Date Amended: October 25, 2022