6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities
The Superintendent must approve an activity in order for it to be considered a District-sponsored extracurricular or co-curricular activity, using the following criteria:
- The activity will contribute to the leadership abilities, social well-being, self-realization, good citizenship, or general growth of student-participants.
- Fees assessed students are reasonable and do not exceed the actual cost of operation.
- The District has sufficient financial resources for the activity.
- Requests from students.
- The activity will be supervised by a school-approved sponsor.
Non-school sponsored student groups are governed by School Board policy, 7:330, Student Use of Buildings – Equal Access.
Academic Criteria for Participation
For students in kindergarten through 8th grade, selection of members or participants is at the discretion of the teachers, sponsors, or coaches, provided that the selection criteria conform to the District’s policies. Students must satisfy all academic standards and must comply with the activity’s rules and the student conduct code.
For high school students, selection of members or participants is at the discretion of the teachers, sponsors, or coaches, provided that the selection criteria conform to the District’s policies. Participation in co-curricular activities is dependent upon course selection and successful progress in those courses. In order to be eligible to participate in any school-sponsored or school-supported athletic or extracurricular activity, a student must maintain an overall ___ grade point average. Any student-participant failing to meet these academic criteria shall be suspended from the activity for ___ calendar days or until the specified academic criteria are met, whichever is longer.
Cross Reference:
7:010 Equal Educational Opportunities
7:040 Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students
7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities
7:300 Extracurricular Athletics
7:330 Student Use of Buildings – Equal Access
8:020 Community Use of School Facilities
Legal Reference(s):
105 ILCS 5/10-20.30 and 5/24-24.
Date Adopted: June 28, 2011
Date Amended: April 23, 2013
Date Amended: October 17, 2017
Date Amended: November 14, 2023