6:122 Access to Classrooms and Personnel

6:122 Access to Classrooms and Personnel

6:122 Access to Classrooms and Personnel

Purpose and Definitions

Parents, independent educational evaluators, and qualified professionals retained by or on behalf of parents will be granted reasonable access to the parent’s child, and the District’s educational facilities, personnel, classrooms, and buildings in accordance with this policy and procedures to be developed by the Superintendent.

For purposes of this policy, the term “qualified professional” means an individual who holds credentials to evaluate the child in the domain or domains for which an evaluation is sought, or an intern working under the direct supervision of a qualified professional, including a master’s or doctoral degree candidate.

For purposes of this policy, the term “independent educational evaluator” means a person whose name is included on the list of independent educational evaluators developed by the State Board of Education, or person possessing the credentials required by State Board of Education regulations.

Parent Visitation and Observation

A parent will be granted reasonable access of sufficient duration and scope for the following purposes: to observe the parent’s child in the child’s current placement, services, or programs, or for the purpose of visiting an educational placement or program proposed for the child.

Prior to being granted access, the parent must contact the Principal of the school. The Principal may require a written request. The written request must include the following information: (1) the purpose of the visit, (2) proposed date and time of the visit, and (3) the approximate duration of the visit.

Visits by a parent will be arranged on dates and at times mutually agreed to by the parent and the District. Parents are required to comply with all school or District rules and procedures concerning school safety, security, and visitation.

Visiting parents are required to comply with applicable privacy laws, including laws protecting the confidentiality of education records, such as the Illinois School Student Records Act and federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Unless previously authorized by the District, parents may not take photographs, video or audio record during the visit or observation, or create other records which include personally identifiable information about students other than the student who is the subject of the observation.  Visiting parents may not disrupt the educational process or environment of the class or school.

Independent Educational Evaluators and Qualified Professionals Visitation and Observation

An independent educational evaluator or other qualified professional will be granted reasonable access of sufficient duration and scope for the following purposes: conducting an evaluation of the child, the child’s performance, the child’s current or proposed educational program, placement, services, or environment, including interviews of educational personnel, child observations, assessments, tests or assessments of the child’s current or proposed educational program, services, or placement.

Prior to being granted access, the independent educational evaluator or qualified professional must submit a written request to the Principal of the school. The written request must include the following information: (1) the independent educational evaluators or qualified professionals qualifications or credentials, (2) written authorization from the parent for the visit, (3) the purpose of the visit, (4) the proposed date and time of the visit, and (5) the approximate duration of the visit. If an interview with educational personnel is requested, the request must also include the following information: identification of staff persons to be interviewed, and reasons for the interview.

Visits by an independent educational evaluator or a qualified professional will be arranged on dates and at times mutually agreed to by the District. Independent educational evaluators or qualified professionals are required to comply with all school or District rules and procedures concerning school safety, security, and visitation.

Interviews of District educational personnel by independent educational evaluators or qualified professionals will be limited to District personnel having information relevant to the child’s current or proposed educational services, program, or placement. All interviews will be conducted at a mutually agreed upon time, date and place, which do not interfere with the District personnel’s school duties.

Visiting independent educational evaluators or qualified professionals are required to comply with applicable privacy laws, including laws protecting the confidentiality of education records, such as the Illinois School Student Records Act and federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Unless previously authorized by the District, independent educational evaluators or qualified professionals may not take photographs, video or audio record during the visit or observation, or create other records which include personally identifiable information about students other than the student who is the subject of the observation.

Visiting independent educational evaluators and qualified professionals may not disrupt the educational process or environment of the class or school.

Cross Reference: 

8:030 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

Legal Reference(s): 

105 ILCS 5/14-8.02(g-5).

23 Ill. Admin. Code Part 226.180.

23 Ill. Admin. Code Part 226.840.

Date Adopted: 05/25/2010