2:240 Board Policy Development

2:240 Board Policy Development

The School Board governs using written policies. Written policies ensure legal compliance, establish Board processes, articulate District ends, delegate authority, and define operating limits. Board policies also provide the basis for monitoring progress toward District ends.

Policy Development

Anyone may propose new policies, changes to existing policies, or elimination of existing policies. Staff suggestions should be processed through the Superintendent.  Suggestions from all others may be made to the Board President or the Superintendent.

The Superintendent is responsible for: (1) providing relevant policy information and data to the Board, (2) notifying those who will be affected by a proposed policy and obtaining their advice and suggestions, and (3) having policy recommendations drafted into written form for Board deliberation.  The Superintendent shall seek the counsel of the school attorney when appropriate.

Policy Adoption and Dissemination

Policies or policy revisions will not be adopted at the Board meeting at which they are first introduced, except when: 1) appropriate for a consent agenda because no Board discussion is required,  or 2) necessary or prudent to meet emergency conditions or special conditions or to be legally compliant.  Further Board consideration may be given at a subsequent meeting(s) and after opportunity for community input.

The Board of Education adopted policies are available for public inspection in the administrative office during regular office hours and online.  Copy requests should be made under the District’s Access to Public Records Policy.

Board Policy Review and Evaluation

The Board of Education will monitor its policies and consider whether any modifications are required (Policy 2:250).

Superintendent Implementation

The Board will support any reasonable interpretation of Board of Education policy made by the Superintendent.  If reasonable minds differ, the Board will review policy and consider the need for further clarification.

In the absence of Board of Education policy, the Superintendent is authorized to take appropriate action.

Suspension of Policies

The Board, by a majority vote of members present at any meeting, may temporarily suspend a Board policy not established by law or contract.  The failure to suspend with a specific motion does not invalidate the Board action.

Cross Reference: 

2:150 Committees

2:250 Access to District’s Public Records

3:040 Superintendent

Legal Reference(s): 

105 ILCS 5/10-20.5.

Date Adopted:   April 25, 2006

Date Amended:   September 25, 2007

Date Amended: August 24, 2021