2:150 Committees

2:150 Committees

2:150 Committees


The Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Board’s governance function and, in some situations, to comply with State law requirements.  These committees are known as Board committees and report directly to the Board. Committee members may include both Board members and non-Board members depending on the committee’s purpose.  The Board President makes all Board committee appointments unless specifically stated otherwise.  Board committee meetings shall comply with the Open Meetings Act.  A Board committee may not take final action on behalf of the Board – it may only make recommendations to the Board.

Special Board Committees

A special committee may be created for specific purposes or to investigate special issues.  A special committee is automatically dissolved after presenting its final report to the Board or at the Board’s discretion.

Standing Board Committees

A standing committee is created for an indefinite term although its members will fluctuate. Standing committees are:

  1. Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee.  This committee assists in the development of student discipline policy and procedure, and provides information and recommendations to the Board.  Its members are parents/guardians and teachers, and may include persons whose expertise or experience is needed.  The committee reviews such issues as administering medication in the schools, reciprocal reporting between the School District and local law enforcement agencies regarding criminal offenses committed by students, student discipline, disruptive classroom behavior, school bus safety procedures, and the dissemination of student conduct information.
  2. Behavioral Interventions Committee.  This committee develops and monitors procedures for using behavioral interventions in accordance with Board policy 7:230, Misconduct by Students with Disabilities, and provides information and recommendations to the Board.  At the Board President’s discretion, the Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee shall perform the duties assigned to the Behavioral Interventions Committee.

Nothing in this policy limits the authority of the Superintendent or designee to create and use committees that report to him or her or to other staff members.

Cross Reference: 

2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

2:200 Types of Board of Education Meetings

7:190 Student Discipline

7:230 Misconduct by Students with Disabilities

Legal Reference(s): 

5 ILCS 120.

105 ILCS 5/10-20.14 and 5/14-8.05.

Date Adopted: 11/18/2008

Date Amended:    01/26/2016