2:040 Board Member Qualifications

A Board of Education member must be, on the date of election or appointment, a United States citizen, at least 18 years of age, a resident of Illinois and the District for at least one year immediately preceding the election, and a registered voter.

Reasons making an individual ineligible for Board membership include holding an incompatible office and certain types of State or federal employment.  A child sex offender, as defined in State law, is ineligible for Board membership.

Cross Reference:

2:30 Board of Education Elections

2:70 Vacancies on Board of Education – Filling Vacancies

Legal Reference(s):

Ill. Constitution, Art. 2, -1; Art. 4, -2(e); Art. 6, -13(b).

105 ILCS 5/10-3 and 5/10-10.

Date Adopted: 12/15/2009