7:175 Behavior Intervention Support
7:175 Behavior Intervention Support
Every student, pre-school or adult, has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. Every educator has the right to teach in an atmosphere free from disruption and obstacles that impede learning. This will be achieved through the adoption and implementation of a consistent school-wide positive behavior support and discipline plan for every school in Batavia Unit School District 101. All school level discipline plans will be consistent with the established behavior intervention support school procedures. These will include the following: teaching rules and social-emotional skills; reinforcing appropriate student behavior; using effective classroom management and positive behavior support strategies by providing early intervention for misconduct and appropriate use of consequences; and collecting data to evaluate the plan.
The District’s adoption of this foundation policy establishedes a framework for developing, refining and implementing a culture of discipline conducive to learning. School-wide positive behavior support is based on research that indicates that the most effective discipline systems use proactive strategies designed to prevent discipline problems. Before consequences are given, students must first be supported in learning the skills necessary to enhance a positive school climate and avoid negative behavior. In the event of misconduct, there is to be the appropriate use of consequences. Ongoing monitoring shall be used to ensure that equitable school-based practices are implemented in a fair, non-discriminatory and culturally responsive manner.
The policy serves as a framework under which all District practices relating to discipline and school safety are to be applied. It is not intended to replace existing codes of conduct that provide guidance for specific disciplinary practices within each school. Information will be presented to the Board on a periodic basis regarding behavior intervention support data from all buildings.
Date Adopted: 04/22/2011