7:321 Contests

7:321 Contests

7:321 Contests

The School Board believes the primary educational aims of the schools and the needs and interests of their students must be the most important consideration at all times. It shall therefore be a general policy to deny promotional aid, school time or faculty assistance to student contests involving essay-writing, poster-making or other activities sponsored by organizations outside the school.

Exceptions may be made, if in the judgment of the Superintendent a particular contest involves experiences which are closely allied to and in support of the instructional work of the school and which will clearly serve to advance the educational aims of the school. The worthiness of the sponsoring agency’s cause or the opportunity for individuals to win prizes, shall not in themselves constitute sufficient reason for exception to the general policy.

Contests or projects, in general, should not interfere with the operation of the regular course of study in classes or require a teacher to sacrifice much time from the regularly planned program for students. The participation of teachers and students in any approved contest shall be voluntary.

Date Adopted: 11/23/2004