4:170-AP6 Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergency at a Physical Fitness Facility with an AED

4:170-AP6 Plan for Responding to a Medical Emergency at a Physical Fitness Facility with an AED

The following operations implement School Board policy 4:170, Safety, requiring a plan for responding to medical emergencies at a physical fitness facility.  These operations shall be completed consistent with the Physical Fitness Facility Medical Emergency Procedures Act, 210 ILCS 74/, and the Illinois Department of Public Health Rules, Part 527, “Physical Fitness Medical Emergency Preparedness Code.”  Any definitions of terms found in this Act and IDPH implementing Rules are used as the definitions of those terms in this Procedure.

Actor Action
Superintendent or Designee Appoints a staff member to coordinate the operations in this Procedure who will be known as the “Plan Coordinator.”

Plan Coordinator:  Lynne Marucco
Position:  Nursing Coordinator

Files this plan with the Dept. of Public Health, Division of EMS & Highway Safety, 500 E. Monroe – 8th Floor, Springfield, IL 62701. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).  Files an updated plan with the IDPH after a change in the facility that affects the ability to comply with a medical emergency, such as the facility was closed for more than 45 days. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(c).

Dates plan submitted:

April 27, 2017

Decides, with input from the Plan Coordinator, the schedule for purchasing AEDs. 210 ILCS 74/50.

Indoor Facility – Every district must have all applicable facilities equipped with an AED.

Outdoor Facility – A district with 4 or fewer physical fitness facilities must have at least two such facilities in compliance; its third facility by July 1, 2011; and its fourth facility by July 1, 2012.  A district with more than 4 physical fitness facilities must have 50% of those facilities in compliance; 75% by July 1, 2011; and 100% by July 1, 2012.

If the AED becomes inoperable, the district must replace or repair it within 30 days. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.600.

Designates each Building Principal as the individual who must be notified in the event of a medical emergency. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).

Follows the requirements of 77 Ill.Admin.Code §525.500 upon receiving a completed report that an AED was used (4:170-AP6, E2, Automated External Defibrillator Incident Report).

Plan Coordinator Responsibilities Concerning Emergency Responders

With the Building Principal, identifies all staff members who, through their education or training, are appropriate emergency responders for specific facilities.  If possible, train all emergency responders in CPR and AED use.

Facility Emergency Response Providers
Alice Gustafson School School Nurse
Grace McWayne School School Nurse
H.C. Storm School School Nurse
Hoover-Wood School School Nurse
J. B. Nelson School School Nurse
Louise White School School Nurse
Rotolo Middle School School Nurse
Batavia High School School Nurse

Responsibilities Concerning AED Users

Determines the appropriate number of trained AED users and anticipated rescuers or users needed for each facility equipped with an AED.  Each facility with an AED must have at least one trained AED user on staff during staffed business hours (210 ILCS 74/15, amended by P.A. 96-748) and take reasonable measures to ensure that anticipated rescuers or users are trained pursuant to 410 ILCS 4/15 and 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800.

Working with the Building Principal, identifies trained AED users and requests that other appropriate staff members and anticipated rescuers or users become trained.

Responsibilities Concerning AED Registration

Coordinates with local emergency medical services systems. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.500.

Notifies an agent of the local emergency communications or vehicle dispatch center of the existence, location, and type of the automated external defibrillator (410 ILCS 4/20(b); 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.500).

Cooperates and provides any information requested by the local emergency communications or vehicle dispatch, so they can complete the Data Collection and Submission report about the use of the AED (77 Ill.Admin.Code § 515.350). 77 Ill.Admin.Code §525.500.

Responsibilities Concerning Location of AED and Other First Aid Equipment

Indoor Facility – Decides, with input from the Building Principal or designee, where to place the AED and other first aid equipment so that their location will be conspicuous, easily accessible, and convenient; the AED must be mobile and accessible at all times.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.600.

Outdoor Facility – Ensures that the AED is placed within 300 feet of the outdoor facility in an open building with unimpeded access that has marked directions to the location of the AED at its entrances. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.600 (c).

Facility First Aid & AED Location
Batavia High School Portable AED carried by Trainer
H.C. Storm School Portable AED carried by Trainer and coaches
Rotolo Middle School Portable AED carried by Trainer and coaches

Keeps a copy of the AED’s manual with the AED.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.700(b).

Responsibilities Concerning Notification and Posting

Along with the Building Principal, notifies all staff members of the location of any AEDs as well as the instructions for responding to medical emergencies.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800(b).

Responsibilities Concerning Training

Coordinates, with input from the Building Principal, the training of:  (1) all staff members who regularly supervise students in physical fitness facilities in the use of CPR and, if appropriate, AEDs, and (2) any non-employee coaches, instructors or other similarly situated anticipated rescuers or users.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800 and 210 ILCS 74/15(b-5) and (b-10).

Responsibilities Concerning Instructions for Responding to Medical Emergencies

Along with the Building Principal, notifies all facility staff of the location of any AEDs and the Step-by-Step Emergency Response Plan described below. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800(b).

Coordinates, along with the Building Principal, the posting of the Step-by-Step Emergency Response Plan described below. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800(b).

Responsibilities Concerning Maintenance and Testing of AEDs

Ensures that all AEDs are maintained and tested according to manufacturer’s guidelines.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.700(a).

Keeps a copy of the maintenance and testing manual at the facility and keeps a copy of the manual with each AED.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.700(b).

Building Principal In a conspicuous place in the physical fitness facility, posts:  (1) the list of all staff members who are emergency responders, and (2) the Step-by-Step Emergency Response Plan described below.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).Posts a notice at the facility’s main entrance stating that an AED is located on the premises.

Receives notice in the event of a medical emergency.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).

School Nurse(s) Along with the Plan Coordinator, helps staff members understand the instructions for responding to medical emergencies. These instructions must provide that the AED should be operated only by trained AED users, unless the circumstances do not allow time to be spent waiting for a trained AED user to arrive. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800(c).
Trained AED User(s) and/or Other Emergency Responder(s) According to their training, uses appropriate emergency responses upon the occurrence of any sudden, serious, and unexpected sickness or injury that would lead a reasonable person, possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, to believe that the sick or injured person required urgent or unscheduled medical care.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).

According to their training, uses the AED to help restore a normal heart rhythm when a person’s heart is not beating properly.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(a).

Calls 9Informs the Building Principal whenever the AED or other emergency response is used.  77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(b).

Whenever an AED is used, cooperates and provides any information requested by the local emergency communications or vehicle dispatch, so they can complete a Data Collection and Submission report about the use of the AED (77 Ill.Admin.Code §515.350). 77 Ill.Admin.Code §525.500.-1-1 for medical emergencies and whenever an AED is used. 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.400(b).

All Faculty Staff Members and Users Follow the Step-by-Step Emergency Response Plan described below:

  1. Immediately notify the building’s emergency responder(s) whose contact information is posted in the facility.  Under life and death circumstances call 9-1-1 without delay.
  2. Bring the first aid equipment and AED to the emergency scene.  The AED should be operated only by trained AED users for the intended purpose of the AED, unless the circumstances do not allow time for a trained AED user to arrive.
  3. Immediately inform the Building Principal or designee of the emergency.
  4. The emergency responder will take charge of the emergency.  This person will apply first aid, CPR, and/or the AED, as appropriate.
  5. If necessary, the emergency responder instructs someone to call 9-1-1, providing the location in the building and which entrance to use.  This person should make sure someone is sent to open the door for paramedics and guide them to the scene.
  6. When paramedics arrive and assume care of the victim, the emergency responder or other staff person notifies the victim’s parent/guardian or relative.
  7. If an AED was used, the person using it cooperates and provides any information requested by the local emergency communications or vehicle dispatch, so they can complete the Data Collection and Submission report about the use of the AED.  A supervising staff member completes a District Incident Report.
  8. If an adult refuses treatment, the emergency responder documents the refusal and, if possible, asks the adult to sign a statement stating that he or she refused treatment.

Date Adopted:   April 11, 2012

Dated Amended:  April 22, 2015; April 27, 2017; December 4, 2019; July 11, 2023