4:200 Video Surveillance Monitoring

4:200 Video Surveillance Monitoring

The Board of Education authorizes the use of unconcealed video surveillance cameras (“video cameras”) on the District’s property in order to: (1) promote and ensure the health, safety and general welfare of all students, staff and visitors; (2) safeguard the District’s buildings, equipment, parking lots and grounds; and (3) deter and prevent criminal activity.

The Superintendent or his/her designee shall determine and specify all locations where video cameras will be placed and operated.  Video cameras shall only be used in areas on the District’s property where no reasonable expectation of privacy is maintained by students, staff or visitors.  Such areas include, but are not limited to, hallways, cafeterias, gymnasiums, parking lots, exits and entrances to the District’s buildings, buses, auditoriums and athletic fields.

Video cameras are strictly prohibited from being placed or operated in washrooms, locker rooms, showers or changing areas.  Video cameras shall also not record audio.

Signs shall be posted near the main entrance to all buildings where video cameras are in use so that notice may be given to all students, staff and visitors that their actions may be subject to recording.  Parents and students shall also be notified of this Board Policy through its mention in the student handbook.

Video cameras shall not be used to evaluate the performance of a staff member’s employment duties or to monitor a staff member’s activities that take place within the scope of those duties.  Video recordings may be used, however, as evidence of a staff member’s misconduct, violation of State and/or federal law, rule or regulation, or violation of any Board Policy.

Video recordings may be used by the Board of Education or the District’s Administration as evidence in any student disciplinary proceeding.  Video recordings that are used as a part of a student disciplinary proceeding shall become student records and shall be governed by the provisions and interpretations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois School Student Records Act.

Legal Reference(s):

20 U.S.C. § 1232g(4)

105 ILCS 10/2(d)

Date Adopted:   March 22, 2011

Administrative Procedures