4:200-AP1 Access to Video Recordings

4:200-AP1 Access to Video Recordings

This procedure implements, and is subject to, Board Policy 4:190, Video Surveillance Monitoring.  The Superintendent shall oversee the following:

  1. Live feeds from the District’s surveillance cameras may be displayed publicly for security purposes and deterrence.
  2. The District’s video recordings shall at all times be stored in a secure location on the District’s property.
  3. The Superintendent, and any other individual specifically designated by the Superintendent, shall have access to the District’s video recordings and related equipment.
  4. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall be responsible for managing and auditing the use and security of the District’s video cameras, video recordings and related equipment.
  5. The Superintendent or his/her designee, which may include one or more building Principals, shall be responsible for reviewing the District’s video recordings.  From time to time, District personnel approved by the Superintendent, or law enforcement officers, may view camera feeds in real time.
  6. The District’s video recordings ordinarily shall only be reviewed subsequent to the Superintendent or his/her designee receiving a report of an incident or a complaint relative to student, staff or visitor misconduct on or about the District’s property.
  7. Any request by a member of the public, student, staff member or parent to review the District’s video recordings must be in writing and received by the Superintendent or his/her designee within 14 days of the date of the incident giving rise to such request.
  8. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall determine whether the individual requesting to review the District’s video recordings will be granted access to the recordings.  Access to the recordings shall be the exception, and shall not be granted unrelated to an allegation of misconduct.  Requests by law enforcement authorities shall be complied with to the extent permitted or required by law.

Maintenance of Video Recordings

  1. The District shall retain all video recordings for 14 days, after which time this content shall be automatically deleted by being recorded over by new video content.  This routine deletion of video content shall be suspended and the video recordings of the incident in question shall not be destroyed, however, when the District is placed on notice of pending or reasonably anticipated litigation.
  2. Video recordings used by the Board of Education or the District’s Administration as evidence in any disciplinary proceeding brought against a student shall be maintained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Illinois School Student Records Act.
  3. Video recordings used by the Board of Education or the District’s Administration as evidence in any disciplinary proceeding brought against a staff member shall be maintained until the issue is resolved or any appeal, as provided by law or Board Policy, has been exhausted, whichever is later.

Legal Reference(s): 

20 U.S.C. § 1232g(4)

105 ILCS 10/2(d)

Date Adopted:   March 9, 2011

Date Amended:  April 22, 2015