8:095-AP1 – Parent Involvement

8:095-AP1 – Parent Involvement

Building Principals shall advocate effective, comprehensive family involvement in education that will promote parents/guardians becoming active partners in education. Building Principals shall, at least once every semester, provide a written report to the Superintendent on parental involvement programs and efforts in their buildings. This administrative procedure identifies opportunities for parental involvement.

The District or school provides notices to parents/guardians on the following topics (list may not be exhaustive):

Public hearing on holding school or scheduling teachers’ institutes, parent-teacher conferences, or staff development on certain holidays. 105 ILCS 5/24-2(b)(2).

Free and reduced-price food service. 7 C.F.R. §245.5; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §305.10(c).

Fee waiver. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.245.

Applications of pest control and/or lawn care products. 225 ILCS 235/10.3, 415 ILCS 65/3.

Instruction on recognizing and avoiding sexual abuse. 105 ILCS 5/27-13.2.

Parental school visitation rights. 820 ILCS 147/25.

Child’s placement in English learner programs. 105 ILCS 5/14C-4.

Major school-sponsored events, including parent-teacher conferences, given to non-custodial parents. 105 ILCS 5/10‑21.8.

Unexplained absence from school of a student in K-8 (within two hours). 105 ILCS 5/26‑3b.

Graduation requirements, particularly when a student’s eligibility for graduation may be in question. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.440(e).

A student’s suspension and/or expulsion. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.6.

Electronic audio and/or visual recording devices if located on school buses. 720 ILCS 5/14-3(m).

Physician who prescribes District’s supply of epinephrine injectors is protected from liability, with limited exceptions. 105 ILCS 5/22-30(c).

Availability of the District report card. 105 ILCS 5/10-17a(5).

District’s intent to withdraw from a special education joint agreement, if applicable. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.31, amended by P.A. 101-164.

See also:

6:170-AP2, Notice to Parents Required by No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 

7:190-E2, Student Handbook Checklist

7:340-E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records

State laws have created parental involvement opportunities on the following topics:

Students Records

Parents/guardians have many rights concerning their student’s school records, including the right to access the records (105 ILCS 10/5); the right to challenge the content (105 ILCS 10/7); and a non-custodial parent has the right to receive copies of school correspondence and reports (105 ILCS 5/10-21.8).

Parent-Teacher Advisory Committees

The School Board establishes a parent-teacher advisory committee(s) on student discipline and behavior interventions for special education students. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14 and 5/14-8.05(c).

Curriculum Involvement

The District must involve the parents/guardians of a child with disabilities in their child’s education and placement. 20 U.S.C. §1414 and 1415; 34 C.F.R. §300.322, 501, 503, 504, 507 and 508; 105 ILCS 5/14-1 et seq., 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§226.500, 510, 520, 530 and 610.

If parent(s)/guardian(s) opts their child(ren) out in writing, the student is not required to take National Sex Education Standards (NSES) classes or courses. 105 ILCS 5/27-9.1a(d), added by P.A. 102-522, and 110/3, and see also 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs.

A parent/guardian has the right to examine instructional materials to be used in National Sex Education Standards (NSES) classes or courses. 105 ILCS 5/27-9.1a(e), added by P.A. 102-522, and 110/3. See also 2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records, and 6:60-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians of Sexual Abuse and Assault Awareness and Prevention Education; Requests to Examine Materials; Written Objection(s) and/or Opt-outs.

The Board determines the instructional program with involvement of parents/guardians. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.410.

The District may consult with parent/guardian on an individual remediation plan for students demonstrating a proficiency level comparable to the average pupil performance one grade or more below current placement. 105 ILCS 5/2-3.64(b), repealed by P.A. 98-972, eff. 8-15-14; however, there is no penalty for continuing this practice when it is in the best interests of a student.

The District must notify parents/guardians of graduation requirements and when a student’s eligibility for graduation may be in question. 23 Ill.Admin.Code §1.440(e).

The Board may use parent/guardian volunteers as: (1) assistants under the immediate supervision of a licensed teacher (105 ILCS 5/10-22.34); (2) supervisors, chaperones, or sponsors for non-academic activities (105 ILCS 5/10‑22.34a, amended by P.A. 102-894); and (3) guest lecturers or resource persons under the immediate supervision of a certificated teacher (105 ILCS 5/10-22.34b, amended by P.A. 102-894).

Upon a parent/guardian’s request, a student must be released for religious instruction or observance. 105 ILCS 5/26-1(5).

The District must post the school report card on its website and, upon request, send it to parents/guardians. If the District does not maintain a website, the report card must be sent to parents/guardians without request. The District must send a written notice home to parents/guardians stating: (1) that the report card is available on the website; (2) the website address; (3) that a printed copy will be sent upon request; and (4) the telephone number to call to request a printed copy. 105 ILCS 5/10-17a.

Conferences and Hearings

The District must notify parents/guardians and consult with them and keep them involved with the education and placement of their child with disabilities. 20 U.S.C. §1414 and 1415; 34 C.F.R. §300.322, 501, 503, 504, 507 and 508; 105 ILCS 5/14-1 et seq., 23 Ill.Admin.Code §§226.500, 510, 520, 530 and 610.

If applicable, the District must notify all parents/guardians of students with disabilities residing in the District of its intent to withdraw from the special education joint agreement and hold a public hearing to review the District’s plan for educating students after the withdrawal. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.31, amended by P.A. 101-164.

Parents/guardians have the right to an unpaid leave from work to attend educational or behavioral conferences. 820 ILCS 147/1 et seq.

The District may use two days for parent-teacher conferences and may add more days to the teacher work year subject to collective bargaining. 105 ILCS 5/3-11.

A non-custodial parent receives notices of parent-teacher conferences. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.8.

A hearing with the parents/guardians must precede a student’s expulsion. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.6(a).

Report on Parental Involvement

Parental involvement must be included in the school report card. 105 ILCS 5/10-17a.

The following Board policies provide opportunities for parental involvement:

School Board

2:150, Committees

2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

Operational Services

4:010, Fiscal and Business Management

4:110, Transportation

4:130Free and Reduced-Price Food Services

4:140Waiver of Student Fees

4:160Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds



5:230Maintaining Student Discipline


6:060Curriculum Content

6:120Education of Children with Disabilities

6:140Education of Homeless Children

6:145Migrant Students

6:150Home and Hospital Instruction

6:160, English Learners

6:170Title I Programs

6:180Extended Instructional Programs

6:190Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities

6:235Access to Electronic Networks

6:270Guidance and Counseling Program

6:280Grading and Promotion

6:300Graduation Requirements

6:310, High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering 

6:340Student Testing and Assessment Program


7:015Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:20           Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:030Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer

7:040Nonpublic School Students, Including Parochial and Home-Schooled Students

7:050School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools


7:070Attendance and Truancy

7:080Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance

7:090Release During School Hours

7:100Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students

7:170, Vandalism

7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:185Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

7:190Student Behavior

7:200Suspension Procedures

7:210Expulsion Procedures

7:220Bus Conduct

7:230Misconduct by Students with Disabilities

7:240Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities

7:250Student Support Services

7:260Exemption from Physical Education

7:270, Administering Medicines to Students

7:275Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment

7:280Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

7:285Food Allergy Management Program

7:290Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Programs

7:300Extracurricular Athletics

7:305Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

7:340, Student Records

Community Relations

8:030Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

8:090Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs

8:095Parental Involvement

School-level parental involvement programs include:

  1. Keeping parents/guardians thoroughly informed about their child’s school and programs.

Develop and distribute a comprehensive student handbook.

Distribute information to parents/guardians on their school visitation rights.

Promote open houses.

Promote parent/guardian-teacher conferences.

Provide progress reporting and report cards, and keep parents/guardians informed when their child is not adequately progressing and there is a likelihood he or she may be retained.

Publish newsletters.

Sponsor financial information nights.

  1. Encouraging involvement in their child’s school and education.

Support and encourage parents/guardians volunteer opportunities.

Work with the PTO to promote parents/guardians volunteer opportunities.

Develop and use outreach programs to community groups and organizations.

3.  Establishing effective two-way communication between all parents/guardians and District personnel.

Monthly Building Principal coffees.

Work with PTO leadership to ensure parental input.

Train personnel to collaborate with families of diverse backgrounds, including backgrounds that might impede parental participation, e.g., illiteracy or language difficulty.

4.  Seeking the advice of parents/guardians on school governance issues and methods to fulfill the District’s educational mission.

Work with PTO leadership to ensure parental input.

Establish a school-community advisory committee to identify, consider, and discuss educational problems and issues.

5.  Informing parents/guardians how they can assist their children’s learning

Provide information to parents/guardians about activities they can do at home.

Provide programs on how to establish a home environment that supports learning and appropriate behavior.

Implement a homework-hotline.


Date Adopted:    August 11, 2010

Date Amended:   April 22, 2015

Date Amended:  January 21, 2020

Date Amended:  October 25, 2022