8:080 Gifts to the District

8:080 Gifts to the District

The Board of Education appreciates gifts from any education foundation, other entities or individuals.  All gifts must adhere to each of the following:

  1. Be accepted by the Board or, if less than $500.00 in value, the Superintendent or designee.  Individuals should obtain a pre-acceptance commitment before identifying the District, any school, or school program or activity as a beneficiary in any fundraising attempt, including without limitation, any Internet fundraising attempt.
  2. Be given without a stated purpose deemed by the party with authority to accept the gift to be compatible with the Board’s educational objectives and policies.
  3. Be consistent with the District’s mandate to provide equal educational and extracurricular opportunities to all students in the district as provided in Board Policy 7:010 Equal Educational Opportunities.  State and federal laws require the District to provide equal treatment for members of both sexes to educational programming, extracurricular activities, and athletics.  This includes the distribution of athletic benefits and opportunities.
  4. Permit the District to maintain resource equity among its learning centers.
  5. Be viewpoint neutral.  The Superintendent or designee shall manage a process for the review and approval of donations involving the incorporation of messages into or placing messages upon school property.
  6. Comply with all laws applicable to the District including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Prevailing Wage Act, the Health/Life Safety Code for Public Schools, and all applicable procurement and bidding requirements.

The District will provide equal treatment to all individuals and entities seeking to donate money or a gift.  Upon acceptance, all gifts become the District’s property.  The acceptance of a gift is not an endorsement by the Board, District or school of any product, service, activity, or program.  The method of recognition is determined by the party accepting the gift.

Cross Reference(s):

4:060 Purchases and Contracts

4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

6:010 Educational Philosophy and Objectives

6:210 Instructional Materials

7:010 Equal Educational Opportunities

Legal Reference(s): 

20 U.S.C. Sec.. 1681 et seq. Title IX of the Education Amendments implemented by

34 C.F.R. Part 106

105 ILCS 5/16-1.

23 III Admin Code Sec. 200.40

Date Adopted: 10/12/2010

Date Amended:  10/06/2015

Administrative Procedures