6:260-E1- Curriculum Objection Form

6:260-E1- Curriculum Objection Form

Use this form to submit feedback and/or objections about the District’s curriculum, instructional material, or programs. Please complete this form and return it to the Building Principal who will submit it to the District Complaint Manager. Please print.

Subject area:  __________________________  Classroom teacher: _________________

Please state, as precisely as possible, the specific curriculum area, instructional material, or programs to which you object (include name, title, author, and any other identifying information).



How did you become aware of the curriculum area, instructional material, library resource or program?

[  ] By information provided by the teacher     [  ]  By review

[  ] By word-of-mouth                                      [  ] other   ______________________

Please explain why you object to the curriculum area, instructional material, or program, and state your desired outcome, if any. Please be specific.





(If applicable) Do you want your child to be excluded from participation? Please note parents/guardians may request exclusion and provide ideas for alternative education, but the District makes the final decision regarding such requests.
☐ Yes                      ☐ No
(If applicable) In place of participation in the curriculum area, w hat course of study would you suggest for your child?




Complainant name (please print):  _________________________________________

Telephone:  ___________________________________

Complainant represents:     [  ] Student          [  ] Parent/guardian of student    [  ] Other _________________________________

Complainant Address:  _________________________________________________

Signature of Complainant: ______________________________  Date:  ___________

Written response provided to Complainant on: (attach response to this form)

Superintendent or Designee: ________________________Date: __________

Date Adopted:  4/10/2007

Date Amended:  1/24/2023