6:260-AP Responding to Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, Library Resource and Programs

6:260-AP Responding to Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, Library Resource and Programs


Actor Action
Parents/Guardians, Employees, and/or Community Members Follow the Public Suggestion and Complaints procedure (8:110, E1) and start by discussing your concerns with the teacher, LRC Director or immediate supervisor.

Submits any feedback or complaints about the District’s curriculum, instructional materials, library resources or programs to the Building Principal, using 6:260-AP, E, Curriculum Objection Form.

Building Principal Directs any parent/guardian, employee, or community member wishing to submit formal feedback or a complaint regarding curriculum, instructional materials, or programs to complete 6:260-AP, E, Curriculum Objection Form.

If the complaint alleges a violation of law or board policy, refers the complaint to the District Complaint Manager for processing under policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure.

Transmits the Curriculum Objection Form to the Superintendent or designee for further action.

Superintendent or designee (such as the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction) Determines on a case-by-case basis what action, if any, will be taken in response to a complaint about curriculum, considering whether, as applicable:

1.       The curriculum, instructional material, or program is aligned with the criteria set forth in Board policy 6:40, Curriculum Development, specifically, regarding:

a.       The district’s educational philosophy and goals;

b.       Student needs as identified by research, demographics, and student achievement and other data;

c.       The knowledge, skills, and abilities required for students to become life-long learners;

d.       Minimum requirements of State and federal law and regulations for curriculum and graduation requirements;

e.       The curriculum of non-District schools that feed into or from a District school, provided that the necessary cooperation and information is available;

f.        Illinois State Learning Standards and any District learning standards; and

g.       Any required State or federal student testing.

2.       The law and/or the District already provides a means for parents/guardians to opt their child out;

3.       The curriculum, instructional material, or program is optional or supplemental in nature;

4.       Reasonable and appropriate alternatives exist; and

5.       Individual circumstances that support a need for an accommodation exist.

The Superintendent or designee may convene a challenged materials committee or other District collaborative group to process and respond to the complaint.

Consults with the Board Attorney as needed regarding responses to curriculum-related complaints.

Prepares and sends a written response to the person who submitted the Curriculum Objection Form, informing the person of the District’s decision.

Notes on the Curriculum Objection Form the date on which the response was provided and attaches the response to the form.

Cross References:  6:260-AP, E, Curriculum Objection Form; 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure; 6:40, Curriculum Development;


Date Adopted :  January 24, 2023