6:210-AP1 Curricular Materials

All curricular materials shall be categorized and managed by type:

  1. Anchor materials are foundational instruments of the adopted curriculum and are to be available and accessed by all students and teachers of a particular course or grade level.  Since they serve as the basis for instruction of a course or unit, use of anchor materials is required and adoption is subject to Board approval.
  2. Supplemental materials are resources that extend or strengthen the curriculum, particularly for students with intervention or enrichment needs.  All supplemental materials shall be approved by the Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council (CAAC) or its designee, and may be used at the teacher’s discretion based upon instructional strategy and student learning needs.
  3. Responsive materials are not part of the approved curriculum but are selected by teachers, teacher teams, or schools to meet student needs  Often, responsive materials serve to connect the curriculum with timely topics or events, address gaps in anchor and supplemental materials, or address individual student needs.  Identification and use of responsive materials are at the teacher’s discretion and acquisition is a school-level responsibility, subject to Board policy.
Material Type Approval Authority Instructional Usage
Anchor Board, at the recommendation of CAAC Required
Supplemental CAAC, at the recommendation of the respective subject-area team Teacher discretion
Responsive Teacher, coordinated with teams and Building Principal or designee Teacher discretion

Approval of Curricular Materials

The Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council (CAAC) shall develop and manage a procedure to identify and approve curriculum and related materials under the supervision of the Superintendent or designee and with the consent of the Board.

Among the criteria used to approve curricular materials, CAAC shall ensure consideration of the following:

  • Alignment to standards and developed curriculum
  • Varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of students
  • Relevance of the material to the learning situation
  • Appropriate relative to student (child) development
  • consistency with the norms and mores of the community
  • Skills of typically situated students
  • Other aspects of Board policy, particularly
    • 6:080 Teaching Controversial Issues
    • 6:070 Teaching About Religion
    • 6:078 Cultural, Ethnic, and Religious Themes In Our Educational Program
  • Pacing of the curriculum
  • Teacher input
  • Benefits, costs, and value relative to academic return on investment

Cross Reference:

6:030 Organization of Instruction

6:040 Curriculum Development and Instructional Resources

6:080 Teaching About Controversial Issues

6:170 Title I Programs

6:220 Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption

6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials and Programs

7:010 Equal Educational Opportunities

7:015 Student and Family Privacy Rights

8:110 Public Suggestions and Complaints

Date Adopted: May 27, 2009

Date Amended:  August 26, 2014

Date Amended:  October 22, 2019