
6:230-E1 Learning Resource Center Mission and Philosophy

Learning Resource Center Mission

The Learning Resource Center extends the classroom for students and staff by creating an environment that supports and enhances the curriculum. This is accomplished most effectively when all individuals have full access to a wide variety of resources and learning opportunities designed to develop the skills necessary to become discriminating users of ideas and information.

The effective LRC program involves the collaborative efforts of stakeholders including parents, principals, teachers, students and LRC staff. This collaboration ensures that the program contributes fully to the educational process and assists in the attainment of district learner outcomes.

The mission of each Learning Resource Center in District #101 shall be to collaborate with teachers in achieving the following objectives:

  • Promoting enjoyment of reading;
  •  Providing leadership, instruction, and consulting assistance in the use of instructional resources and information technology while functioning as the information center of the school;
  • Ensuring access to information and ideas that will enhance the learning experiences for the entire school community;
  • Developing resources and activities that contribute to lifelong learning; and
  • Building a collection that supports the curriculum and strives to meet the changing needs of a diverse school community.

Learning Resource Center Philosophy

The School Board supports the maintenance of a Learning Resource Center in each building. The Learning Resource Center shall serve as a multi-media center which shall provide resources to enrich and support individual students and the professional staff.

The Learning Resource Center program will focus on enlarging and enriching the ongoing classroom instructional program. Continuous upgrading of materials and programs will be the responsibility of the Building Principal with assistance from the Learning Resource Director and other teachers of each building.

Each building’s collection of materials will be of a comprehensive nature, support the curriculum and provide for varied individual needs, interests, abilities, and maturity levels.

Materials should be selected on the basis of encouraging the growth of knowledge and developing literary, cultural and aesthetic appreciation and ethical standards.

There should be opportunities for free selection of materials based on the student’s interest as well as guided selection of materials appropriate to specific planned learning experiences.

Dated Adopted:  01/12/2009