5:260-AP1 Placement and Evaluations

5:260-AP1 Placement and Evaluations

5:260-AP1 Placement and Evaluations

Step 1:  Determining District and Building Capacity for Placement

Annually (January), the administration should determine for the following year the district and building capacity for hosting student teachers. Factors to consider should be the following:

  • Potential certified openings in the district
  • Service to the profession
  • Cooperative agreements with universities for student teaching placements
  • Number of staff interested in hosting a student teacher
  • Number of staff who meet the criteria for hosting a student teacher
  • Instructional integrity for students in a grade, course sequence, or school

Step 2: Requesting a Student Teaching Placement

All student teaching requests will be made through the Curriculum and Instruction Division. Any inquiries made to building level staff should be directed to the Curriculum and Instruction Division.

Based on appropriate district/building capacity, candidates or university officials will provide the following documents in order to be considered for placement:

  1. Official Letter Requesting Placement
  2. Application for student teaching
  3. Transcripts and/or credential materials
  4. Illinois State Background Check results
  5. FBI Fingerprint Search results

Once the necessary documents are on file with the Curriculum and Instruction Division, the building principals will be notified of potential placements meeting the above criteria.

Step 3: Evaluation of Student Teaching Candidates

Principals will review the candidate materials to determine if an appropriate placement is available in his/her building. A potential cooperating teacher should be identified. Refer to the “Negotiated Agreement between the Board of Education and Batavia Education Association” (8.05.13).

If the school is unable to take the candidate at any point in the process, contact the Curriculum and Instruction Division.

Before accepting a student teacher, an interview will be conducted to assess the candidate’s potential success. If the principal is willing to place the student teacher after the interview, he/she should notify the Curriculum and Instruction Division.

Special Education candidates will be screened by the Director of Student Services. The Director of Student Services will work with principals to evaluate student teaching candidates.

Step 4: Determining Placement

Once a principal has indicated a willingness to host a student teacher, he/she will contact the Curriculum and Instruction Division with the name of the cooperating teacher, grade level, and subject area. The university will be contacted with this information by the Curriculum and Instruction Division.

Before a placement is confirmed, the candidate will contact the Curriculum and Instruction Division and submit a Request for Network ID Form.

Date Adopted: 11/16/2011