5:310 Compensatory Time-Off

5:310 Compensatory Time-Off

5:310 Compensatory Time-Off

This policy governs the use of compensatory time-off by employees who: (1) are covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §201 et seq., and (2) are not represented by an exclusive bargaining representative.

Employees may be given 1-1/2 hours of compensatory time-off in lieu of cash payment for each hour of overtime worked.  Other than as provided below, at no time may an employee’s accumulated compensatory time-off exceed 240 hours, which represents compensation for 160 hours of overtime.  An employee whose work regularly includes public safety, emergency response, or seasonal activities may accumulate a maximum of 480 hours of compensatory time, which represents compensation for 320 hours of overtime.  If an employee accrues the maximum number of compensatory time-off hours, the employee: (1) is paid for any additional overtime hours worked, at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay, and (2) does not accumulate compensatory time-off until the employee uses an equal amount of accrued time-off.

An employee who has accrued compensatory time-off shall be permitted to use such time in at least half-day components provided such requests do not unduly disrupt the District’s operations.  The employee’s supervisor must approve a request to use compensatory time-off.

Upon termination of employment, an employee will be paid for unused compensatory time at the higher of:

  1. The average regular rate received by such employee during the last three years of employment; or
  2. The final regular rate received by such employee.

Compensatory time-off is time during which the employee is not working and is, therefore, not counted as “hours worked” for purposes of overtime compensation.

Cross Reference: 

5:035 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

5:270 Compensation and Assignment

Legal Reference(s): 

Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §201 et seq.; 29 C.F.R. Part 553.

Date Adopted: 12/29/2006