5:204 Professional Growth
5:204 Professional Growth
The School Board recognizes the importance to the District of maintaining, developing and extending the skills of all staff members. As the demands of the District’s educational purpose – providing quality education for all students – change and become more complex, in-service education for staff is vital to the task of meeting those demands. The Board encourages employees to engage in programs and activities which lead to their professional growth, expansion of skills and increased job competence.
The District’s staff development program shall have the following purposes:
- To address the instructional program goals and objectives;
- To address needs for staff development which are manifested by the District’s evaluation programs for curriculum, personnel and students;
- To increase the professional ability of staff members in their fields of educational specialization;
- To promote evaluation of current practices;
- To encourage staff members to examine new trends in education;
- To assist staff members in the implementation of improved instructional practices.
Provisions may be made by the District for staff development opportunities through:
- Planned in-service programs, courses, seminars and workshops offered within the District;
- Visits to other classrooms and schools and attendance at conferences, workshops and other meetings;
- Leaves of absences for advanced training;
- Leadership education program.
Outside Activities
Individual staff members may request permission from the Superintendent to attend professional association workshops, conventions, seminars and university classes. The staff member shall provide rationale to show that attendance at such a program shall benefit the District. Permission for attendance and reimbursement for incurred costs of outside professional activities shall be in accordance with the District’s administrative procedures.
Leaves of Absence
Provisions for leaves of absence for advanced training are subject to the current negotiated agreement with the professional staff.
Intern Program
Available internship positions shall be posted in accordance with established District policy and procedures regarding administrative internships and filling of vacancies.
District internship program positions shall be awarded to the best qualified person from those who apply. Recommendations for selection of the candidate(s) shall be made by the Superintendent after consultation with the District’s administrative staff, to the School Board. The School Board’s selection shall be final.
Date Adopted: 12/19/2006