5:190-AP1 National Board Licensed Teacher Qualifications

5:190-AP1 National Board Licensed Teacher Qualifications

5:190-AP1 National Board Licensed Teacher Qualifications

Teachers who have obtained National Board Certification are eligible to receive under Section 8.06.06 Master Teacher Certification Incentive annual compensation incentive of either $1,000 or $2,000, depending on the number of years the teacher has held the certification.

To receive compensation, teachers must annually request payment of the incentive by May 1st of the contract year for an end of May stipend payment. Payment requests should be sent to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or designee.  In years 3, 5, 7 and 9, the teacher is eligible for a fall payment of $1,000 and should notify the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or designee by October 1st for the request for incentive payment for payment at the end of October.

The Office of Human Resources will verify the National Board Certification on the teacher’s PEL and authorize the Business Department to process stipend payments according to the schedule in the collective bargaining agreement.

Date Adopted: 09/17/2014