Student Handbooks
Athletics/After-School Events
Athletic Eligibility Requirements
Representing Rotolo Middle School in after-school activities and interscholastic athletics is regarded as an honor and a privilege. All students who take part in activities and athletics must fully understand that adherence to all parts of the Code of Conduct are essential for participation.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to encourage all participating students to practice and develop a greater application for the values associated with academic achievement, responsible behavior, and good citizenship.
The students participating in all after school activities and interscholastic athletics are constantly reminded that they are representatives not only of Rotolo Middle School but also the community and should always strive to exhibit behavior that will make them a credit to their team, coach, school, and community.
The following articles and standards of conduct apply to all after school activities and interscholastic athletics sponsored by Rotolo Middle School.
- Adhere to all guidelines outlined in the District Code of Conduct for extracurricular activities. Board Policy 7:240-e1
- For all IESA (Illinois Elementary School Association) activities as well as all RMS athletics, academic standing shall be checked weekly. Eligibility will be applied to the Monday through Saturday following the week that was checked. Students must be passing each subject each week to be eligible. Grades shall be cumulative for the school’s grading period. The eligibility verification will occur on Wednesday of each week by the Associate Principal of Operations and Athletics with the participating students’ teachers. Coaches will conference with individual athletes during the week and will notify them on Friday of their eligibility for the following week. If school is not in session then eligibility verification must be taken on the last day of student attendance that week. For fall sports, the first eligibility check shall be made following the first full week of attendance at the beginning of the school year. During the succeeding weeks of the school year, the eligibility check shall begin the week prior to the first contest in an activity
- Any time a student sees a physician for an injury that occurred during the after school activity or athletic competition, he or she may not resume activity until the doctor issues a written release.
- Any time a student is suspected of having a concussion, the Rotolo administration, coaches, and sponsors will follow the IESA concussion protocol.
- Students must be in attendance at school at least one-half day previous to an evening or after-school function in order to participate in it. Student athletes who do not participate in Physical Education class due to illness or injury will not be allowed participation in the day’s athletic event. If a student leaves school early because of illness, that student should not expect to participate in any after-school activity. (11:30 a.m. designates half a school day). Special dispensation can be given by Building Administration for such things as family emergencies, funerals, etc.
- All students participating in athletics are required to have a sports physical examination on file each year. Students will not be able to participate in practices or competitions without a current physical.
- Specific incidents of behavior or academic issues not covered in the school activities and athletic code are subject to review and disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action would be investigated and communicated with students and parents by building administration.
Rotolo Middle School offers a wide variety of non-sport related activities. Participating in these types of activities as well as athletics is an important part of the educational and learning process. To help defray the cost of extracurricular activities and to maintain current programs, each participant in the Batavia club will be required to pay a user’s fee. Activities include Yearbook, Service Club, Jazz Band, Student Council, and a variety of special interest clubs. View complete listing of RMS activities and clubs.
Athletics (BOE Policy 7:300)
To help defray the cost of extracurricular athletics and to maintain current programs, each participant in the Batavia interscholastic athletic programs will be required to pay a user’s fee. This fee will be collected from each athlete for each sport in which he/she participates. Student participation in school-sponsored extracurricular athletic activities is contingent upon a student presenting a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, an advanced practice nurse, or a physician assistant who assures that the student’s health status allows for active athletic participation. The Superintendent or designee shall maintain the necessary records to ensure student compliance.
Rotolo Middle School offers a wide variety of athletic opportunities. Students are encouraged to participate in one or more of the following interscholastic sports:
- Wrestling (Grades 6-8)
- Cross Country (Grades 6-8)
- Basketball (Grades 7-8)
- Volleyball (Girls—Grades 7-8)
- Cheerleading (Grades 6-8)
- Track (Grades 7-8)
A variety of school wide intramural activities are available throughout the year for boys and girls.
Note: Students who participate in athletics are required to have a physical before they can participate in any of the above sports.
They are also to be covered by the school insurance or sign a waiver indicating that the student is covered under a separate health insurance plan. Forms are available in the school office or from the coach. An athletic fee, set by the Board of Education, is charged to each child who participates in a sport and must be paid before beginning the activity.
The district allows a student to modify his or her athletic or team uniform for the purpose of modesty in clothing or attire that is accordance with the requirements of his or her religion or his or her cultural values or modesty preferences. A student is not required to receive the prior approval of the school board for such modification.
Spectators at School-Sponsored Events
Students are encouraged to attend Rotolo Middle School sponsored events that allow for spectators. The purpose for such attendance is to help foster a feeling of confidence in our team and to develop a strong school spirit. Spectators are expected to act and behave in a courteous and considerate manner at all times. Once students leave the supervised area they will not be allowed to return and the school is no longer responsible for them. Students choosing to behave inappropriately at such events will risk not being allowed to attend future events. Supervision of students is available for only a short time after the end of a game. Ending times of games are between 6:15 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Students are expected to have a prearranged ride home at that time. Students continuing to remain at school for an unreasonable time after a game is completed, risk not being allowed to attend future events.
Parents: We ask that you cooperate in picking up your child at the appropriate time.
Only students attending Rotolo Middle School, along with spectators from the visiting school are allowed into the event. Parents and siblings of participants may attend the event as long as appropriate behavior is maintained.
The rules governing all home sporting events are as follows:
- Students who will be spectators at events need to report to the designated supervision area by the 3:15 p.m. bell for supervision prior to the beginning of the event. Disciplinary action will be required if you are not in the assigned designated area.
- When students arrive, they will be seated in the event area. For basketball and volleyball, in the bleachers; for wrestling in the upper gym. For football, spectators should view the game from the east (Raddant Road) side of the field.
- Students attend these events with the understanding that they are spectators who WATCH the event. Rowdy behavior (e.g. inappropriate shouting, booing, pushing/shoving) will not be tolerated.
- Students will only be allowed to enter the gym (for basketball) during non-action times. They will ONLY be allowed to leave the area during halftime and between games unless they are leaving the building. Once a student leaves the building, he/she may NOT return. The same applies for wrestling and volleyball. Students will not be allowed into the area during action time.
- During basketball and volleyball games, spectators are not allowed in the upper gym area unless the area seating has been specifically opened.
- Students should have prearranged rides. Basketball games generally finish around 6:15 p.m., wrestling 6 p.m., and volleyball 5:30 p.m. Those students who demonstrate problems arranging rides will not be allowed to attend.
- Once a student leaves the building during the event, they may not return.
- Loitering in hall areas is not allowed.
- Noise-making devices are not permitted.
- Follow all directives of supervisors.
- All regular school rules apply.
After-School and Evening Activities
Several after-school and evening activities are sponsored such as athletic events, concerts, or plays. Most evening activities such as concerts begin at 7 p.m. Students may only attend these events (concerts, plays, etc.) with a parent unless directly involved as a participant in the event. Supervision of students at these events is the responsibility of the parent. Students are expected to be picked up promptly after these events. Those who are not picked up promptly will not be allowed to attend future after school or evening events.
High school students are not invited to middle school events. High school-age spectators are only allowed to watch a family member directly involved in the event and must at all times behave in an appropriate manner.
High School Events
These events are organized and sponsored by the high school for their students. Middle school students are generally NOT allowed to attend these events without the direct supervision of their parents. Middle school students arriving at an event without DIRECT PARENT SUPERVISION will not be allowed entry. Students attending high school home football games should be seated with their parent, or are expected to be in the middle school spectator section located in the south end zone.