7:10-AP2 Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
7:10-AP2 Accommodating Breastfeeding Students
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that students who choose to breastfeed an infant after returning to school are provided reasonable accommodations. A student who is a nursing mother may take reasonable breaks during the school day to express breast milk or breastfeed an infant. The District’s Title IX Coordinator, in consultation with the Building Principal, will implement reasonable accommodations for the nursing mother in a manner that minimizes disruption to the student’s education.
Reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding students, include, but are not limited to:
- Access to a private and secure room, other than a bathroom, to express breast milk or breastfeed an infant child.
- Permission to bring onto the school campus a breast pump or other equipment used to express breast milk.
- Access to a power source for a breast pump or any other equipment used to express breast milk.
- Access to a place to store expressed breastmilk safely.
- Reasonable breaks to accommodate the student’s need to express breast milk or breastfeed an infant child.
- The opportunity to make up work missed to due to the student’s use of reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding.
The District’s Complaint Manager or Non-Discrimination Coordinator will process any complaints regarding reasonable accommodations for breastfeeding students in accordance with policy 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure. In those cases where a complainant appeals the Superintendent’s decision to the Board, the Superintendent will inform the complainant that he or she may appeal the Board’s decision to the Regional Superintendent and, thereafter, to the State Superintendent, in accordance with 23 Ill.Admin.Code §200.40.
Date Adopted: July 19, 2022