Student Handbooks
General Information
Your child should stay home from school for:
- Fever 100 degrees or more
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Diagnosed with a contagious illness
Your child may return to school 24 hours after symptoms have ceased (with medication), 24 hours being fever free (without the use of fever reducing medications), or 24 hours after the start of prescription antibiotics.
Students should also stay home from school if he/she has:
- persistent cough or copious nasal drainage
- red and watery eyes not associated with seasonal allergies
- unidentified/undiagnosed rash
If you are unsure whether your child should attend school, please call the school nurse and discuss your child’s health concerns with our AGS/ECC registered nurse.
If your child arrives at school with the above mentioned symptoms, or develops symptoms during class he/she will be assessed by the school nurse. A parent/guardian will be contacted for pick up from school if needed.
Tardy Procedure
If you bring your child to school after the start of class (9 a.m. and 12:40 p.m.), you must bring your child into the AGS main office. The secretary will assist you in signing your child into school and seeing that he/she gets into class.
Absence Procedure
All absences must be reported on the attendance line. Please call the Attendance Line at (630) 937-8003 to report the absence as soon as possible. Please indicate specific illness symptoms and/or reason for absence.
A “chronic or habitual truant” shall be defined as a child is who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for 10% or more of the previous calendar year. Chronic truancy will be monitored by the Early Childhood program. Parents of these students will receive written notice of their child’s attendance record and concern. A conference with the appropriate team members will be required with the receipt of the second truancy notice. A third notice may result in losing the student’s enrollment within the program. No refunds would be provided for deposit or tuition.
Timely Pickup of Students
Students are expected to be picked up at the scheduled dismissal time. On occasion, emergency situations arise that cause a parent to be delayed in picking up a child. When such a delay occurs, the parent is expected to call the office of the school to make temporary arrangements with the building secretary or principal. Prior to the arrival of the parent or emergency contact, the child will be brought to the main office. Should a pattern of late pick-ups emerge, or should a significant late pick-up occur, the building principal may involve the police liaison or Batavia Police Department in resolving the situation.
Personal Attire
Attire: Children should come to school wearing play clothes so they can participate in: climbing, running, sand play, water play, finger paint, and other active learning experiences. Shoes must cover toes and/or be athletic shoes. Students wearing skirts or dresses should wear shorts and/or leggings underneath.
Outerwear: Students will go outside when the temperature is above 20 degrees. Make sure your child brings or wears a jacket and other outerwear: a hat, mittens, snow pants, and boots on snowy days.
Change of Clothes: Please send a change of clothes to school. It should be placed in a large Ziploc bag. Mark all clothing with your child’s name. The clothing will be kept at school in case your child has an accident or if his/her clothing becomes soiled. The change of clothes should include: sweatpants, underwear, a shirt, and socks. These clothes should be large enough to allow the child to wear them throughout the school year.
Backpacks: Your child will need a backpack for school. Your child will need a backpack that fits squarely shoulder to shoulder. The backpack should be large enough to fit a standard school sized folder No wheeled backpacks please. Wheeled backpacks are a safety risk for the child pulling the backpack and for their peers.
Safety and Emergency Drills
For a safe environment all students and staff need to know what to do in case of an emergency or potentially dangerous situation such as a fire or severe weather. All Batavia students regularly participate in the training and practice of proper safety precautions and procedures. At the elementary level each child practices how to behave and specifically what to do in the case of:
- Fire
- Tornado
- Earthquake
- School intruder
- Bomb threat
- Bus emergency or
- Local emergency that would require students being ‘Sheltered in Place’ at school.
This is done through drills which are scheduled throughout the school year. For the first drill of the year, students and staff are usually pre-warned so that procedures can be reviewed and practiced before the drill. Follow-up drills are usually unannounced to assess student and staff preparedness. Proper use of playground equipment is also reviewed with students as part of school rule discussions.