Special Education Services

Physical Therapy

School based physical therapists work as part of the educational team to assist the student in benefiting from their educational program. This includes the ability to move safely throughout the school environment, maintain sitting and standing postures, and participate in various motor activities at school.

Physical therapy services in the school may include:

  • Exercise to improve range of motion, strength, endurance, balance, coordination
  • Activities to facilitate gross motor development
  • Gait and stair training
  • Transfer training
  • Wheelchair management
  • Adaptive equipment to increase independence with school activities
  • Modifications to school environment
  • Consultation with school staff, parents and medical personnel

BPS101 partners with Northern Illinois Association for Special Education to provide two physical therapists that serve students in the following ways:

  • Completion of evaluations as part of the IEP process
  • Provision of therapy in pull-out and collaborative service models
  • Provision of technical support staff regarding student needs, such as safe access to buildings and play surfaces, classroom seating/positioning, and physical participation in school tasks
  • Provision of input and consultation at MTSS meetings