Route and Bus Stop Facts

What is and is not considered when creating a bus route or stop:

  • The District does not guarantee bus stop locations or routes from year to year. The District may change bus stop locations and routes to ensure centralized stops and bus capacities to maintain the efficiency of all our routes.
  • Bus routing is designed with buses traveling main roads through neighborhoods and with students picked up and dropped off at central locations.
  • Bus stops are located at corners or intersections whenever possible and are usually central to the neighborhood. Stops are also made at corners for efficiency and to accommodate other students who may move into the neighborhood.
  • It is not possible to provide bus stops that are within sight of all students’ homes.
  • A stop will not be made simply because the bus goes past a student’s house and/or a certain area.
  •  Adding additional stops negatively impacts the efficiency of a route and will often result in a route that is consistently late to school. Additionally, the higher frequency of stops made by the bus often result in impatient motorists driving around the bus causing a safety concern.
  • A house stop would not necessarily be made because there is only one student at the stop. Other students may be assigned to the stop, but ride infrequently.
  • Weather conditions are not part of the criteria for a bus stop change. We encourage parents to plan appropriately on inclement weather days.
  • According to ​Illinois School Code, bus stops may be up to 1.5 miles from a student’s residence. While the District does not require students to walk this far to a bus stop, students may need to travel one or more blocks to the closest centralized bus stop. Bus stops will be more frequent and located closer to students’ homes at the elementary level. Middle and high school students may be expected to walk further to the closest bus stop.