3-5 Instructional Learning Program

The 3-5 Instructional Learning Program (ILP) is a cross-categorical instructional program for students with significant learning disabilities or intellectual disabilities. This program is available for students in grades  3-5. The program provides a smaller, highly structured classroom environment with embedded academic, behavioral, and communicative supports.

Program Goals

  • To provide academic instruction and/or support in the special education and general education settings to maximize student achievement.
  • To improve student confidence and self-esteem as learners.
  • To provide an environment where students are comfortable receiving support, engaging in learning, and working collaboratively with other students.

This Program is Designed for…

  • Special education students with learning deficits in most/all core academic areas.
  • Students who have difficulty accessing a larger group learning environment.
  • Students who require a higher degree of adult interactions and support.
  • Students who demonstrate language discrepancies that impact learning.
  • Students, based on the determination of the IEP team, with needs that cannot be met in a less-restrictive environment.

Curriculum/Services Provided

  • A variety of curricular materials are used for academic and functional skills instruction.
  • Students participate in curriculum-based assessments to measure progress and inform instruction.
  • Students receive related services necessary to support access to their educational program based on their IEP.  Related services may include Speech Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and/or Social Work.

A Partnership with Parents/Guardians

  • Parent involvement in each child’s educational program is encouraged and welcomed by the ILP team.
  • Student progress will be reported to parents on a regular basis via email, progress reports and/or parent/teacher conferences.
  • Academic and behavioral interventions will be designed and adjusted based on each student’s individual progress in the program.
  • The ILP team is committed to working closely with students and parents to help each student feel successful in the least restrictive environment.