Collaboration in BPS101

Batavia has a long history of working together and sharing ownership of our mission. Collaboration is recognized as a key factor in achieving our goals, and it is at the heart of the BPS101 strategic plan. All members of the BPS101 family commit to students and their learning and recognize the need for a collaborative approach. We commit to collaboration by:

  • Sharing in decision making, practicing interest-based problem solving, and engaging in professional learning communities
  • Developing partnerships that increase opportunities for students and foster community pride
  • Engaging in active, open communication within an environment where it is safe to express differences, share successes and learn from our mistakes.

What’s Next

The following groups represent some of the district-wide teams that are charged with monitoring our progress and making decisions for the district. We will continue to strengthen our existing collaborative structures, build relationships, and develop new systems that increase participation and voice. BPS101 staff are encouraged to participate and provide feedback utilizing this system of collaboration.  Staff members can provide feedback or ask questions of any of the advisory groups using the following links.

Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council

Established 2014-2015: This district level team works on issues related to curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning and manages the curriculum development and review process. Subject area leadership teams and other task forces comprised of teachers and administrators report to CAAC. This group is charged with:

  • Creating a curriculum development plan

  • Developing a curriculum review process

  • Establishing a system and methods to monitor and evaluate curriculum

  • Create an assessment and reporting plan

  • Designing an instructional strategy review process

  • Establishing a two-way communication plan

Professional Learning Advisory Council

Established 2014-2015: This district level team works to develop and monitor professional learning systems for the district. A charter and mission guide the work of the team comprised of teachers from each level, as well as building and district administrators. This group is charged with:

  • Establishing and supporting a vision for professional learning

  • Defining, monitoring and improving methods/structures from professional learning

  • Creating a comprehensive professional learning plan

  • Creating a culture of collective responsibility for student learning

  • Establishing a communication plan

  • Establishing material/ research evaluation process

  • Recommending changes in curriculum, instruction, and assessment

Resource Responsibility Advisory Council

Established 2015-2016: Community, Board, Admin and Association (both teachers and support staff) work collaboratively to monitor resource allocation aligned to the strategic plan and developed a shared understanding of resources. The capital projects committee and the insurance committee inform the work of the Resource Responsibility Advisory Council.

Administration Teacher Advisory Council

Established 2015-2016: Association and Management team that meets periodically to focus on District Strategic Goal 2: Learning Environment. This group models and supports two-way dialogue allowing its members to listen, learn, and problem-solve together.


“Student achievement increases substantially in schools with collaborative work cultures that foster a professional learning community among teachers and others, focus continuously on improving instructional practice in light of student performance data, and link to standards and staff development support.” (p.8)  Fullan, M. (1998).
