
7:280-AP2 – Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease

Children will only be allowed in school if fever free for 24 hours, without medication.  They should also be kept home if they are showing signs or symptoms of sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, stomach upsets, rash, persistent cough or reddened, watering, itching eyes during the previous 24 hours.

Students who become ill during the day will be sent to the health office.  The school nurse, district, nurse, or other office personnel will assess the situation and call the parent if necessary.  It is extremely important to keep up-to-date phone numbers for home, work, child care providers and emergency numbers.  If a child is sent home from school for a fever, he/she will not be allowed to return until fever free for 24 hours without medication.

Parents/guardians should keep school personnel informed of medical conditions or special needs that your child may have.  Health information is kept confidential and released on a need-to-know basis only.  Parents/guardians should keep all information current.

Date Adopted: 12/18/2007

Date Amended: 05/05/2008